Minutes:Website Meeting 20091101
[hide]Website Meeting - November 1st, 2009
- 322 E. 4th St.
- Royal Oak, MI
- Nick B. [NB]
- Matt S. [MS]
- Steve K. [SK]
- Ted H.
Notes / Todo list
We filled the whiteboard with ideas from the group, then categorized which tasks should be done within the next two weeks, next two months, and next four months. We also roughly assigned who would be working on each item.
If you want to work on an item just add your initials and get in touch. If you finish an item check it off with <s>strikeout tags</s>. Feel free to add notes to each item as well.
The next meeting will be Sunday Nov. 8 at 7pm.
Here is the timeline from November 1st to four months out:
- November 1st 2009 - first meeting
- November 15th 2009 - Within the next two weeks tasks should be done
- January 1st 2010 - Within the next two months tasks should be done
- March 1st 2010 - Within the next four months tasks should be done
Within the next two weeks
- Syndicate Eventbrite events to calendar [MS] / [SK]
- RSS feed: http://www.eventbrite.com/rest/organizer_list_events/245909400
- Google Calendar API: http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/
- Site changes:
- review all WordPress copy [NB]
fix broken header image [NB]- About Us [??]
- more focus on who we are
- more focus on the space
- Resources [SK]
Press [NB]- Calendar [MS] / [SK]
SFTP access [RW]wiki: turn off anonymous editing [SK]wiki: turn file uploads on [SK]fix twitter spelling ("Bloggged") [NB] / [SK]
spam / spy WP [NB]- (not sure that we went over what this was)
- Just confirming we have all the spam bots up to prevent comment spam. We have the basics but may add a few more later.
- development machine [MS]
- set up a server in the space for development
- wiki:
fix sidebar in chrome/safari [SK]- review all copy - wiki [SK]
- prune wiki pages [SK]
- no more place holders [SK]
- revised sections
- revise top navigation bar [??]
Media (archive of photos and videos) [NB]
Within two months
- wiki: member profiles section [SK]
- unified login
- set up LDAP server [SK], depends on development machine [MS]
- configure mediawiki and wordpress installs to use LDAP for authentication
- enable all members to post on the blog and wiki with the same account
- public area (wiki, blog) vs. private area (security cameras, door sensor, etc.) [??]
- use Feedburner for feeds [NB]
- lay foundation for space occupied alerts [??]
Within four months
- social media integration [??]
- centralized way to manage blog, twitter, facebook page, youtube, eventbrite, calendar, etc.
- lay foundation for store [??]
- lay foundation for tool checkout [??]
- radio section on the site [NB]