Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20180206
[hide]Agenda for 02-06-2018
Chair: Vivian
Experienced Members
- Paul who is hosting a crocheting class soon. He's also been working on hte laser cutters a lot lately.
- Matt C is the membership coordinator
- Jeff P is into raspberry pis and he just installed one on the classroom TV
New Members & Guests
- Rebecca recently moved to the area and was previous member of Sector 67
- Ana is becoming a member is and is planning work in the jewelry zone
Show and Tell
- Knit Hats - David - They are round and bumpy and look neat.
- Resin leftover turnings - David - Drippings from the resin painting class that David then turned on the lathe into a shiny colorful
- Thomas T - has a 'telecaster ripoff' made in ash and several other guitar bodies cut from other nice woods.
- John P - Metal lathe turned fuel filter in progress
- Paul - crocheted potholder/trivet to advertise his upcoming class.
- Jeff - Walnut, maple and birch shelves with a cool, slatted, pergola-like design
Old Business
Member storage
Vivian wanted to bring up again, with more people present:
- If you have stuff in member storage, you don't need to remove it, but go dust it off and tidy it up. The shelves are in disarray and we can do better.
New Business
Camera Policy - Review Clarification
Clarify camera review policy section 6 to specify 'member' mailing list as follows.
Moved by David H, Seconded by Joseph B
20 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Clarify camera review policy section 6 to specify 'member' mailing list as follows.
Moved by David H, Seconded by Joseph B
20 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Modify the point on section 6 of the camera policy [1]
- An approved request will be posted to the mailing list by the Board of Directors, including the requesting member(s) and specifics of the footage requested.
- An approved request will be posted to the member mailing list by the Board of Directors, including the requesting member(s) and specifics of the footage requested.
Upcoming Events
- Crochet Class Saturday @ 4:00 Eventbright: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/learn-to-crochet-tickets-42773821652?aff=es2
- i3 Public Open House - Saturday, March 24th (James O'Dell)
- Tusano Gallery Open House - Saturday, May 19th - Thomas Tufts - He'll be displaying some of his work as part of a thesis project and he invites i3 members to show off their own projects.
- Pot-Lock will be Saturday, February 24 - A combination lock-in and potluck. Share food and clean, maintain, and upgrade the space.
- Metal lathe training/certification will be happening soon. See the calendar for dates.
Zone updates
Craft Room
- A box of 100 X-acto blades disappeared very quickly recently. It is suggested that you take what you need and leave the rest for others to find in the craft room, since we assume the box was lost in space, and not consumed. Because if you went through that many, please use a more appropriate tool.
- They'll be replaced with a smaller package and refilled as needed, but still leave what you don't need, in the craft room.
- Two boxes of glue guns now live in the common area on the shelf next to the computer zone. Two still live in the craft room. This should make it easier for everyone to find convenient access to what they need.
- We've been refilling supplies of needles, stabilizer and thread. When you empty a package, leave it so we can tefill it from extra stock. Reimbursement costs for needles are now added to the packaging. They are a buck plus some change, depending on which.
- Please note the serger uses different needles, and each sewing machine uses different bobbins. If you are not sure, please check with Jan. Slack and email both work!
- We have new feet for the serger which expand the capabilities of the machine. They are small and expensive, so please see Jan if you would like to try them out!
- The box of big thread spools left in the craft room is considered abandoned and will be marked with a parking ticket before moving to the graveyard.
Laser Zone
- Automation update went live last week, seems to be working well. Let Mike know if it's not.
Leather Loft
- Karianne will be away for a couple months. Lew can help with any tool authorizations in the meantime.
- Karianne also just dropped off a bunch of new scrap if you're looking for some material.
Media Lab
- Song and Music Binders donated by Martee
Space Project Updates
- Expansion
- Thanks to everyone filling out the survey.
- Vivian will be coordinating with the landlord very soon.
- Open sewing on Sunday Feb 11 2-8
- Sewing returns in March with open sewing on the schedule, plus some project workshops. Posts and Eventbrite will be going up for those by mid to late February.
Broom Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:05
- Attendees: 23
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Clarify camera review policy section 6 to specify 'member' mailing list as follows. | David H | Joseph B | 20 | 0 | PASS |
- Mike F
- Alec B
- Eva B
- Lew D
- Karianne G
- Sean W
- Rebecca L
- Matt C
- Paul L
- Andy L
- Thomas T
- Emily A
- James O
- Danny M
- Matt H
- David H
- Leora D
- Ana T
- Trevor N
- John P
- Jeff S
- Jan H
- Vivian S
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