Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20180102
[hide]Agenda for 01-02-2018
Chair: Vivian Sanders
Experienced Members
- Matt H has been a member forever and puts his hands in lots of pies. He's on the board, he used to run the fab lab, and he's full of dubious answers.
- Tony is the machine shop coordinator, but his new kid is taking up most of his time lately.
- Vivian has a background in product design engineering and is the i3 president.
New Members & Guests
- Ben S joined a couple weeks ago. He has an IT background and is looking to learn in the wood shop.
- Hans is stopping by to check us out.
Show and Tell
- Jamie has an in-progress brioche knit cowl with lovely
- Paul has an in-progress crochet
Old Business
- The New Years Eve party was super awesome. Thanks Jody and Mark and everyone else who helped out!
New Business
Shop Cleanliness / Tool Damage
Vivian wants to remind everyone of some things going into the new year:
- When something gets damanged, like the table saw guard was recently, please tell the zone coordinator.
- Please remember to clean up after yourself. Don't think you'll do it later.
- Others need to use the space too.
- Vivian wants to get discussion going with anyone interested about potential expansion.
- Our existing lease comes up for renewal and we should make sure we have a backup plan in place.
- Jamie: We could go month to month
- Ben: We could could ask for Right of First Refusal of the space next door to be written into the new lease
- Tony: we need to make sure we're ready when we do expand so we're not spending money on something we're not using. And we need to have our budget figured out.
- Vivian we also need to make sure we have insurance figured out before we move anything over there.
- More discussion on this at next week's board meeting (Tuesday, Jan. 9) pending Vivian talking to the landlord.
- Reminder we have a Henry Ford membership that can be checked out for up to 6 guests per visit. Talk to James if you're interested
- We're still looking for ideas for themes for third-tuesday 'community' meetings. If you have an idea, pipe up!
Upcoming Events
Ditial Music Basics
January 14th, 3-5 pm, at i3Detroit
- Learn music basics
- Learn about keyboards
- Learn how to start to play basic songs
- If you don't know anything about music, come and learn some good stuff.
i3 Open House / Demo Day=
- i3 Open House which was scheduled for Jan 27th is now rescheduled to mid March
Zone updates
Compute Zone
- New toner cartridge for B&W printer purchased. Current one is low, but not empty yet.
Laser Zone
- Terry is organizing both laser training classes as well as laser trainer training.
- If you're an experienced user who wants to help, talk to Terry or Mike.
Machine Shop
- Tony is looking for help/guidance from anyone with machinist experience to help with vetting/training members to be checked out to safely use the mill and the lathe.
Media Lab
- Nothing to report. No problems reported to me.
- Would like to get the drywall repair finished and the room painted soon.
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:00 pm
- Attendees: 13
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
No proposals.
- Mike F
- James O
- Andy L
- Paul L
- Bradlee W
- Matt H
- Jamie B
- Tony S
- Alec B
- Jaylene S
- Ben S
- Vivian S
- Kevin F
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