Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20171107
[hide]Agenda for 11-07-2017
Chair: Vivian
Vivian thanks all of the outgoing officers, and especially Charlie for his two years as president.
Experienced Members & Officers
- Alec is a board member, membership advocate, and Commons zone coordinator
- Tony is a board member and is the Machine Shop
- Mike is the Secretary and Laser Zone coordinator
- Jan ia board member and a co-coordinator of the Craft Room and the Sewing SIGs
- David just walked in the door. He's on the board and does a lot of stuff.
- Vivian is the President and she's going to try her hardest to make this year great
- Leora is the zone coordinator for the Jewelry Zone and Kiln Zone and does other things like laser cutting
- Ashley is a longtime member an is in charge of the Letterpress SIG.
- Joseph is a director and he was late to the meeting.
- Jamie is the new Vice President, she's been around for a few years but took the last week mostly off for work, and hopes to be more active in the coming year
- Matt Carpenter is the membership coordinator for onboarding and manages Friday Night Tours -- please let him know if you'd like to volunteer, giving tours is a great way to learn about everything at i3.
New Members & Guests
- Drew is finishing onboarding tonight and he's really excited about the space
- Ross is in onbaording and has worked with the DetroitSAT group
- Eric works with carbon fiber and builds his own paddleboards. He also paints airplanes and restores old motorcycles.
- Paul has been around a few times in the past few years. He does mostly welding and machining and he is going to get memberified.
Show and Tell
- Steve has made a hardwood flag case with engraved cover
- Steve has also made a 45° mitre jig for the tablesaw
New Business
Small Bathroom Sink
- The small bathroom sink has been left on several times in the past few months, most noticeably since the handles were cleaned, fixed for leaks and inadvertently replaced in the reverse direction. Whether it's the reason of handle surprise, or rinsing something and forgetting to return, please take note of the sink water when you leave the room and make sure it's off. One of the more recent events resulted in flooding out to the hallway so it's appreciated if everyone is alert.
- Vivian and the group also thank Jan for doing an amazing job keeping the classroom and bathroom clean
Resin Painting Workshop
- Saturday, November 11, 1-4 pm
- Come experience the art of Resin Painting
- Look for an email announcement soon
Miniature Painting Workshop
- Friday, November 17, 7-10 pm
- Come and try your hand at painting game miniature
- Spots for 10 people
Music Reading/Theory Class
- December 3rd
- Learn about Music theory and Music Reading
- Bring a laptop and Musesore software
- There's a free program called MuseScore that is recommended
Letterpress Workshop
- Upcoming sometime in December, stay tuned for an exact date
Talk to Jen about classes
- Jen will be at i3 on Wednesday night (11/8) for anyone to talk to her about class ideas
PotLock is Coming
- A potluck/space improvement party.
- Come help fix and improve the space and maybe learn to do some new things in the process
- And bring and eat yummy food
Zone updates
Compute Zone
- James can help show how to use the large format printer, change paper, etc.
- It's been getting a lot of use and the printer needs more ink soon
- Taught more people how to use the printer
Craft Room
Sewing Dept
Has several new tools and stock replacements:
- A sleeve board
- Magnetic pin wand
- More hand needles
- Brown thread for the serger
- Husqvarna bobbins for the Designer SE AND the Emerald
These machines do not share bobbins so take note of which ones go where. They are not disposable so be careful to keep them separate from disposables so they don't get thrown away.
- New scissors!
- Real, good quality sewing scissors and thread snips
- kept in labeled boxes in a separate drawer from everything else, on the sewing side of the room.
- Don't use them on paper ever.
- Don't cut stabilizer with them.
- Put them back in their special drawer when you're done so they stay separate from the craft scissor population.
- Take good care of them so everyone has the opportunity to cut with good scissors.
I finally broke down and bought them with funds from the donation box, after watching members and guest after guest struggle to cut fabric with the old ones we had. My intent has been to build a sewing dept/zone of quality tools that people would love to use.
- Pattern library
- We are looking to build a pattern library of digital and paper patterns that would be useful to others. If you have something to share, let us know and we'll review to see if it has a mass appeal for the people who come to sew here.
Machine Shop
- Remember there's a $2/use fee for the lathe and the mill.
Media Lab
- Going well. Adobe suite is getting much use.
- Let James know if a second Adobe seat is needed. We will budget it for next year.
Tool Crib
- Tool Crib needs money in collection box for fasteners, please contribute when using Tool Crib consumables.
Vinyl Zone
- The zone bought amout 1000 meters of new vinyl last month. Some nice new colors, reflective heat transfer vinyl so you can be shiny.
Wood Shop
- The planer and jointer which have been out of commission for a while are back in service, a short demo will be given after the meeting for those interested
- Brand new planer and spiral carbide tooth blade in the jointer
i3 MotorSports
- #3 refurbishment is in progress. It's missing a body but has a working throttle.
- Motorsports meetings for the year are on Monday November 20th, and December 4th. Other dates may be added when we have parts to work with.
- For those who don't know, Pow Pow Powerwheels Racing Series (PPPRS) is "adults riding kids toys at high speeds" and happens at Maker Faire
- Wednesday Night Sew It All tomorrow 7-9
- Pattern classes from 1-4 Wednesday with Gwen Powell, $50, room for one more student
- Sew It Sunday November 12 2-8pm
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:13
- Attendees: 30
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
No proposals.
- Vivian Sanders
- Nick A
- Alec B
- Jamie B
- Matt C
- Lew D
- Leora D
- Simone E
- Mike F
- David H
- Jan H
- Paul L
- Andrew L
- Ashley P
- Gary M
- Jen N
- Steve N
- James O
- Charlie R
- Dave S
- Ross S
- Tony S
- Greg S
- Thomas T
- Jon W
- Sean W
- Drew J
- Eric Z
- Joseph B
- Paul C
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