Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20170815
[hide]Agenda for 08-15-2017
Chair: Charlie R
Experienced Members
- Devin - has been a member for a few years and is back again. Hi!
New Members & Guests
- Robert - Wants to work on everything
- Paul - his second meeting, working on joining. Wants to work with nixie tubes.
Show and Tell
- Vivian - has a neat little laser-cut fidget spinner. Also the very big one that was at Maker Faire.
- Tony - Put a new handle on a nice kitchen knife. Also has made woodnen and leather knife sheaths and a leather power drill holster
Old Business
- n/a
New Business
Friday Night Tours!
- The onboarding VP (who, unfortunately, could not be present tonight) is seeking members to host Friday night tours
- Guiding tours is a great way for novice members to learn more about the space and share their experience navigating the membership process with soon-to-be-new members.
- Veteran member guides get to share their wealth of information about the space and its history with newcomers while growing our community, and who doesn't like that?
- Tours are 6-9 PM every Friday, training/shadowing opportunities available, you will not be asked to host more than one tour in a month (unless you want to!)
- Contact Matt Carpenter (membership@i3detroit.org or carpenma on Slack) for details!
- Nate seconds this and points out that people tend to visit at least few times before joining, so that makes a lot of tours to host!
- August 27 @ 2pm Intro to KiCAD - open source printed circuit board design software
- Matt Arnold is looking for feedback to prepare a class on using Adobe Premeire to create instructional videos or kickstarter videos etc.
- Leora was happy with the turnout from this past weekend's Jewelry Zone Open House. Yay!
Thank you to everyone for helping with Maker Faire
- Dana
Elections Process Change/Clarification
POC: Mike Our Standing Rules doesn't provide much clarification on how elections are conducted, which led to a great deal of confusion last year. Given that, I move that we adopt the following to replace Section 11.3 (Board of Directors, Officers and Elections -> Elections) of the Standing Rules:
3. Elections • A regular meeting of members shall be held on the first Tuesday of September, at 7:30 PM., for the purpose of electing directors and transacting other business as may come before the meeting. • Each voting member shall cast one ballot, with voting being by ballot only. • The secretary shall prepare electronic and/or written ballots prior to the election meeting. • Absentee ballots must be requested from the secretary (secretary @ i3detroit.org ) at least 1 day prior to the election. • Completed ballots must be returned to the secretary by the end of the Election Meeting. • Ballots shall contain a list of all candidates which voters may rank in order of preference. • Ballots with less than the candidate count ranked are acceptable. • Ballots not marked according to these instructions are eliminated. • Ballots shall be counted by the current secretary according to the Borda count method, described thusly: • On ballot of N candidates for office, a voter's first preference is awarded N-1 points, second preference is awarded N-2 points, etc., and a voter's least preferred candidate will receive 0 points. • If a voter does not rank all candidates listed, the unranked candidates are considered tied and each receive an equal share of the points which would be awarded to the unused rankings. • Points are totaled for all candidates from all ballots. • The candidates receiving the most points, up to the number of directors to be elected, shall be elected. • In the event of a tie for last place, there will be a run-off election for the tied nominees only
A few notes and clarifications about this voting and counting method:
- This is the method we agreed to last year, and in my research it is a good method when the number of candidates is large relative to the number of voters (we typically see 10-20 candidates and 40-50 ballots cast)
- This method is easily implemented on the website OpaVote so it can be automated and run securely.
- On a ballot of N candidates, the total points awarded by each ballot is (N^2 + N)/2
- The rules about incomplete ballots are meant to discourage and mitigate the effects of strategic voting (such as ranking only one or two candidates) which skews vote totals unfairly.
- As an example, in an election with 10 candidates, if you rank a single candidate first and leave the remaining nine unranked:
- Your first candidate receives 9 points.
- The remaining candidates receive the average of points remaining, (8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1+0)/8 = 4.5 points each.
- As a rule, if Y candidates are left unranked, each will receive Y/2 + 0.5 points.
- As an example, in an election with 10 candidates, if you rank a single candidate first and leave the remaining nine unranked:
Adopt the above change to the standing rules
Moved by Mike, Seconded by Charlie
23 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Adopt the above change to the standing rules
Moved by Mike, Seconded by Charlie
23 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Zone updates
Bike Zone
On the topic of expansion, I am interested in moving the Bike Zone. I am looking for more of a flat rectangular zone along a wall as opposed to the current layout, hopefully closer to one of the bay doors. Just something to keep in mind tonight while discussing the post-expansion layout.
Floorplanning Discussion
- James: i3 currently has about 8000 square feet. We'll be adding another 5700 square feet once B. Nektar moves out
- Leora sent an email to the mailing list earlier today with results from last year's vision survey
- Major themes from the responses
- Expand Current Zones/Spaces/Equipment
- Rental Workspace/More Member Storage
- More Open Work Space
- More Art/Craft Space
- Particulate Free/Clean/Quiet Areas
- Paintbooth/Finishing Area
- Automotive
- Kitchen
- Casting/Foundary/Blacksmithing - Hot Metal
- Discuss in #floorplanning on slack
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:00
- Attendees: 20
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Adopt the above change to the standing rules | Mike | Charlie | 23 | 0 | PASS |
- Charlie R
- Mike F
- Nate B
- Karianne G
- Lewis D
- David H
- Jonathan D
- Paul L
- Andy L
- James O
- Mike W
- Evan A
- Mark F
- Matt G
- Paul F
- Leora D
- Martee H
- Carlos S
- Kevin F
- Tony S
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