Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20170418
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[hide]Agenda for 04-18-2017
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
Meeting start was delayed 10 minutes because windows 10 auto update is awful. It's still going... (Apologies for any typos/auto-mis-corrections. This was all done on my phone. - Secretary)
Experienced Members
- Alec has been a member for a while now and guys favorite board game is twilight imperium.
- Charlie is the i3 president. His favorite board game is Risk.
New Members & Guests
- Stanley is going through onboarding.
- Walker is a new member, makes robots. See below.
Show and Tell
- Walker Archer has one of his electric wheelchair robots to demo. His name is Willie the Curmudgeon.
- Tony has a nice leather multi tool case he made by hand.
- Danny has a suit of power armor he's part way done with from the game Fallout.
- Charlie shared some photos of the continuous annealing got water fiber optic straightener he helped build over the weekend.
Old Business
- n/a
New Business
- Makerfaire Planning - Dana
- Look for an email soon for how to sign up.
- We'll be doing it she same way as last year where everyone who wants to be in the i3 tent signs up through
- There's a letter press meetup this Thursday for making cardboard drink coasters. Please RSVP through the email on the mailing list.
- A small group of members used i3's membership with the Henry Ford museum to visit Greenfield Village last weekend. Up to six people can go in a group and you get discounts on food and souvenirs. The membership is available for any members to use, just ask.
- The KeyBar company sent us product and monetary donations recently after Tony reached out to them. Thanks KeyBar and thanks Tony! One of their KeyBars was given to a randomly chosen attendee after the meeting.
Zone updates
Craft Room
- The USB key for the embroidery software is missing. It is not useful for anything but what its designed to do for the software we have. Replacement is a couple grand so that is unlikely. There is a cheaper software alternative we may get if it doesn't turn up but it may start with the basics and there will probably be retrainings offered.
- Please note that the new grey mats in the craft room are available for gluing work.
- If you haven't gotten a chance to see the letterpress in action, come out this Thursday 4/20 (6:30pm-8:30pm) for a demo & make-and-take! We'll be printing witty slogans on paper drink coasters, using the vintage 1920's type that came with the press. (Linoleum blocks will also be available for carving, if you've got more time.) No experience required -- in fact, this is a great way to get trained on the press and its accoutrements if you have your own project in mind. RSVPs to ashley.prescott at gmail.com helpful, but by no means necessary.
- Next sewing night is April 26, the last sewing event before Penguicon! Come finish your costume!
Large Format Printer Orientation
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:00
- Attendees: 14
Action Item Summary
No action items.
Proposal Summary
No proposals.
- Charlie R
- Mike For
- Matt C
- Tony S
- Danny M
- Andrew M
- Alec B
- David H
- Jan H
- Andrew L
- Dave S
- Walker A
- Mark F
- James O
Windows update just finally finished. Ugh. - Secretary