Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20161101
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Meeting Minutes 20161018 | Meeting Minutes 20161115 |
[hide]- 1 Agenda for 11-01-2016
- 1.1 Introductions
- 1.2 Show and Tell
- 1.3 Old Business
- 1.4 New Business
- 1.5 Zone updates
- 1.5.1 Bicycle Shop
- 1.5.2 Classroom
- 1.5.3 CNC Zone
- 1.5.4 Commons Area
- 1.5.5 Compute Zone
- 1.5.6 Craft Room
- 1.5.7 Electronics Lab
- 1.5.8 Fab Lab
- 1.5.9 Graveyard
- 1.5.10 Infrastructure
- 1.5.11 Injection Molding
- 1.5.12 Jewelry Zone
- 1.5.13 Kiln Zone
- 1.5.14 Laser Zone
- 1.5.15 Machine Shop
- 1.5.16 Media Lab
- 1.5.17 Sky Zone
- 1.5.18 Tool Crib
- 1.5.19 Tree House
- 1.5.20 Vinyl Zone
- 1.5.21 Welding Zone
- 1.5.22 Wiki
- 1.5.23 Wood Shop
- 1.6 Space Project Updates
- 1.7 SIGs
- 3 Meeting Metrics
Agenda for 11-01-2016
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
Experienced Members
- Leora - Board Member, Kiln & Jewelery Zone Coordinator
- Alec - Member Advocate, Commons area coordinator
- Charlie - President, likes lasers and radiation
New Members & Guests
- Tony - CAD modeller, interested in machine shop
- Heather - interested in ceramics
- Clayton - returning member after a couple years away
Show and Tell
- Tony - laser engraved burlap sketch book cover
Old Business
Vision Survey
- Part Two of the Vision Survey will be open through this Friday. Please fill it out if you have not yet done so. Your input counts!
- Should take about 10 minutes
- Part 2 is mainly focused on the future, Part 1 was focused on where we are now.
- FIrst part had 51 responses
Hazel Park Art Walk
Went great, thanks to everyone who donated art to show off
New Business
Pot lock
November 12 - A group work day/potluck to improve the space
- Brainstorming workshops will be held for the week leading up to it (to flesh out plans and make lists of required tools and supplies)
- Zone Coordinators are highly encouraged to come to a planning session to get zone specific tasks ready
- Check the calendar for times
- Volunteers to run brainstorming workshops are still needed for every day except Tuesday and Friday
- E-mail will go out to the members' list tonight
November Community Meeting
The theme of the third tuesday community meeting will be Cider and Donuts
HackerNest Social Meet-Up
- 7 -10 pm on November 10
- "Connect with your local tech community" in a "chill, friendly, unpretentious" atmosphere.
- Snacks and beer will be provided.
New Independent Hobby Shop
- At Lahser and 11 Mile
Zone updates
Bicycle Shop
- n/a
- Tomorrow night (11/2) at 7pm, the classroom will host a free, public workshop on conflict resolution.
CNC Zone
- n/a
Commons Area
- n/a
Compute Zone
- James O'Dell is the new coordinator. Please contact him for any concerns, problems, or suggestions. Let me know when equipment is not working.
Craft Room
- Kevin wants to do embroidery machine classes, so please ask him if you want to schedule one!
Electronics Lab
- n/a
Fab Lab
- n/a
- n/a
- The todo list is on the wiki, anyone wanting to help out should check there for a list of tasks, anyone that thinks something should be done can put tasks there
Injection Molding
- n/a
Jewelry Zone
- Jewelry Interest Group will be meeting at the end of this month.
- Demo of "broom straw" casting this Thursday (11/3) at 4 pm
- If anyone wants to become certified on any of the jewelry equipment, contact Leora or Tanya or e-mail jewelry@i3detroit.org
Kiln Zone
- Large Ceramic Kiln is UP thanks to Kara
- Small Ceramic Kiln is UP.
- ToDo for next potlock, wallmount digital controller and switchbox and make new DPST switchbox and make new 50A extension cord.
- Kiln zone now has a nice selection of glass for stained glass making (NOT for kiln use since it is of unknown COE). There is a group forming that is interested in a beginning stained glass class. Write kilnzone@i3detroit.org if you would be interested in attending the stained glass class.
Laser Zone
- Wolverine has a new tube, and it works! Both lasers are functional again!
- Due to some PC issues, only the laser laptop is there right now. Should have a second PC back in place sometime this week.
- Incidentally, Lasercut/laser drivers stopped working the same day a bunch of Windows 10 updates were automatically installed. Coincidence?
Machine Shop
- Trying to get the gib (sp?) on the mill fixed, it may be down for a couple days.
Media Lab
- James O'Dell is the new coordinator. The media zone needs to be reorganized into a useful area. Starting work on it this weekend.
Sky Zone
- n/a
Tool Crib
- Potential distributor to stock fasteners and order us tools/supplies is being investigated
- Complete rebuild and reorganization planned for pot lock
Tree House
- n/a
Vinyl Zone
- Still up and running. Let Charlie know if things are out of stock or blades are getting dull.
- Wants to do a class on glass etching soon, so bug Charlie to set that up.
- Typically do sandblasting, but we also have supplies for chemical etching.
Welding Zone
- n/a
- n/a
Wood Shop
- n/a
Space Project Updates
- n/a
i3 DetroitSat
- Just about done documenting the laser-cut Helmholtz coil rig and in the process of publicizing it.
i3 MotorSports
- n/a
- n/a
- There will likely be a letterpress class for holiday cards coming up soon. Stay tuned.
- n/a
Broom Party
Lost & Found Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:00 pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 20
Action Items
No action items.
No proposals.
- Charlie Rysenga
- Mike Fink
- Alec B
- Lewis Dennison
- Clayton McCord
- Tony Klein
- Richard Hillier
- Chris Bush
- James O'Dell
- Nate B
- Leora Druckman
- Nick Andersen
- Kevin Flory
- Steve Nowicki
- Dave Scholl
- Tony Slover
- Gary Morin
- Ken Goodrich
- Heather Goodrich
- Matt Carpenter