Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150915

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Meeting Minutes 20150901 Meeting Minutes 20151006

Agenda for 09-15-2015

Chair: Charlie Rysenga Konrad Brown


Experienced Members

  • Konrad: member for 2 years, served as lots of officers

New Members & Guests

  • Arthur - just moved to MI, works for GM

Show and Tell

  • Thad Johnson - i3 Keyfob mold for injection molder, made with CNC

Old Business

New Neighbors

Last Meeting's Action item: Make contact with new neighbors Matt Arnold Edited October 15: Matt Arnold and James Kemp had no success in repeated attempts to contact our new neighbors, both during and outside of business hours. Either they are almost never present, or they do not answer knocks on the door.

Cigarette Disposal

  • New container outside
  • Thanks Greg!

TEDx Detroit

  • Gary is spearheading this
  • They're happy to have us
  • They want big things
  • Free access to the event if you help with the i3 table
    • Possibly invitation to the after-party
  • in the Fox Theatre, Thursday October 8th during the day

New Business

Zone Coordinator Naming Proposal

change the name and use of Coordinator to Coordinator in all places i3
Moved by Justin, Seconded by Nate
15 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • What does this do besides force us to edit a bunch of stuff i nthe wiki?
    • Better reflects how zone wardens talk about/think about their positions, both internally and externally

Ending $39 Grandfathered Memberships

I3 Detroit will eliminate the $39 grandfathered dues membership plan effective September 30, 2015. Starting October 1, 2015 all $39 memberships will be converted to $49 memberships. Two members are on $39 annual memberships which expire July 31, 2016. Those annual plans will be honored until that time with no additional dues due.
Moved by Terry, Seconded by Nate
16 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • This will affect ~16 members, might lose ~4 members due to increased cost
  • If anyone can't afford to move to the new plan, they should consider the i3 scholarship program

I3 Detroit will offer a special incentive for conversion of $39 monthly memberships. For those members converting from $39 to $49 plan, if they also enter into a subscription payment plan on Paypal (not Amazon) in October 2015 and stay on that plan through March 31, 2016, i3 Detroit will rebate to them $49 on April 1, 2016.
Moved by Terry, Seconded by Nate
18 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • We have done subscription incentives before - the last time we got 13 more subscription members, so yes, this does work

Storage Cleaning Proposal

In order to start cleaning and optimizing use of Member Storage Space, i3 Detroit will require all items stored on the 3 pallet shelves (floor level shelf and upper 2 shelves) on the pallet rack between the Vinyl Zone and the Laser Zone to be removed by October 16. Members who are currently assigned a plot in those shelves will be reassigned another spot. Please contact the Chair of the Storage Committee (Terry W) for assignment to a vacant plot. On the next Potlock date all remaining items will be moved to Lost and Found for eventual disposal in the case of non-retrieval. The shelves will be cleaned thoroughly at the next Potlock and will be placed into VACANT status after that time. The storage committee will make all reasonable attempts to contact each individual with storage in the pallet rack before removing their items. A list of all current assignees is in the wiki at https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Storage_Plot_List.
Moved by Terry, Seconded by Nate
18 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Some discussion on whether the storage committe, the unwardened "Storage Zone", or the board has the authority to do this kind of thing
  • General consensus: the members should decide, since storage is a part of the standing rules.
  • This isn't changing the standing rules, just making a temporary exception to them

Next Potlock

  • Scheduled for October 24th, 12pm - 8pm

Henry Ford How-Tos

Shauna from the Henry Ford wants to get some "How-To's" based on i3's Maker Faire projects. It can just be a word document, pretty informal. She wants them by the end of September

  • James will help take pictures for anyone who wants help with their write-up
  • Corey will help people write their projects up
  • Konrad will make a post to the mailing list

Red Bull Creation

  • This year we can choose between on-site or our own space
    • On-site team limits us to 4 team members and a materials allowance
    • Working at i3 lets us have unlimited team members, but no material allowance
  • We need a team leader and also team members
    • Meet after the meeting tonight to discuss

Officer Nominations

  • Now open
  • Email secretary at i3detroit.org with
    • Name of nominee
    • Position
    • Why they'd be good for that position
  • Nominations are open until October board meeting (October 13th)

Officers List


  • PR
  • External Liasion
  • Business Cards
  • Web Site Content
  • Social Media

Senior VP

  • Helps with president's duties
  • Also fills in for other officers as needed
  • "Official" VP on paperwork

VP of Activities & Classes

  • Seek/Promote Classes
  • Maintain/Clean Calendar
  • Help with Eventbrite

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Welcoming new members
  • Membership orientation
  • Data entry into new systems

VP of Membership-Retention

  • Termination/CRM Cleanup
  • Telling members "we miss you"
  • Trying to increase membership retention

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • Hears members' complaints
  • Makes sure process moves forward
  • Reports back to parties on outcome
  • Arbitration/Mediation if required


  • Taking minutes
  • Managing Votes/Elections
  • Historian
  • Disciplinary Action Records
  • Managing passwords
  • Official communication


  • No issues
  • See the Treasurer's HOWTO for current info

Existing Officers

  • President - Konrad Brown - not running again
  • Treasurer - Terry Wynn - running again
  • Secretary - Jamie Burdeski - not running again
  • VP - CHarlie Rysenga
  • Membership Coordinator - Maxwell Gonyea-Alexander
  • Member Advocate - Matt Arnold

Zone updates

E Lab

  • Nate thanks James for running Arduino classes, adding human resources to the physical resources of the space
  • Next arduino class will be in October - adding Fancy LEDs to halloween costumes

Laser Zone

Tree House

No major news. Will be giving it a clean this weekend.

  • If you're a frequent user of the tree house, consider helping him out

Wood Shop

  • Router is back in order
  • big piece of styrofoam is on its way out
  • remember finished projects do not belong in material storage
  • note some pricing on selected hardwoods that are available. Put money in the Wood Shop Donation Box


Broom Party

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 8:37pm
  • Funds appropriated: $0
  • Attendees: 24

Action Items

no action items yet, Charlie.


ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
I3 Detroit will offer a special incentive for conversion of $39 monthly memberships. For those members converting from $39 to $49 plan, if they also enter into a subscription payment plan on Paypal (not Amazon) in October 2015 and stay on that plan through March 31, 2016, i3 Detroit will rebate to them $49 on April 1, 2016.TerryNate180PASS
I3 Detroit will eliminate the $39 grandfathered dues membership plan effective September 30, 2015. Starting October 1, 2015 all $39 memberships will be converted to $49 memberships. Two members are on $39 annual memberships which expire July 31, 2016. Those annual plans will be honored until that time with no additional dues due.TerryNate160PASS
In order to start cleaning and optimizing use of Member Storage Space, i3 Detroit will require all items stored on the 3 pallet shelves (floor level shelf and upper 2 shelves) on the pallet rack between the Vinyl Zone and the Laser Zone to be removed by October 16. Members who are currently assigned a plot in those shelves will be reassigned another spot. Please contact the Chair of the Storage Committee (Terry W) for assignment to a vacant plot. On the next Potlock date all remaining items will be moved to Lost and Found for eventual disposal in the case of non-retrieval. The shelves will be cleaned thoroughly at the next Potlock and will be placed into VACANT status after that time. The storage committee will make all reasonable attempts to contact each individual with storage in the pallet rack before removing their items. A list of all current assignees is in the wiki at https://www.i3detroit.org/wiki/Storage_Plot_List.TerryNate180PASS
change the name and use of Coordinator to Coordinator in all places i3JustinNate150PASS


  1. Jamie Burdeski
  2. Gary Morin
  3. Terry Wynn
  4. James O'Dell
  5. Dave SCholl
  6. Steve Nowicki
  7. Brian Mcpherson
  8. Konrad Brown
  9. Matt Carpenter
  10. Lewis Dennison
  11. Arthur Bledsoe
  12. Kevin Flory
  13. Justin Triplett
  14. Nate Bezanson
  15. Evan Allen
  16. Matt Gardeski
  17. Charlie Rysenga
  18. Natron Wallace
  19. Thad Johnson
  20. Jon Williams
  21. Scott Sheraga
  22. Matt Arnold
  23. Corey Tebo
  24. Roger Slykhouse