Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20150317
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[hide]Agenda for 03-17-2015
Chair: Charlie Rysenga
- Paul-interested in CNC
- Robert - interested in machine shop
- Nicky - heard about us through hackaday
- Dan - metalworking, plus all of the things
- Fai - woodworking
- Ron - woodworking
- Maxwell - member 2 years, knows who's who
- Jude - steampunk artist
Show and Tell
- Scott: power glove
- can control computer, eventually the world
- Greg: new cash boxes for machine shop & welding zone
- pretty gears
Old Business
New Business
Storage Strike Force
- Meeting 3/23 7PM
- Talking about member storage, oversize storage, all storage
Parking Permit-related Standing Rules:
Wording of the changes from the mailing list thread
Changes won't take place until after new permit is published.
16 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Parking Permit-related Standing Rules:
Wording of the changes from the mailing list thread
Changes won't take place until after new permit is published.
Moved by Nate B
, Seconded by Terry16 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
Action Item: Nate - Finish Parking Permit in 4 days
- Prep for penguicon, not just coding, but all the con things
- All weekend at the Southfield Westin
- Also this weekend!
- Food, helping the space
- Spring Cleaning
- REALLY good for new members to integrate with the space!
- Noon - 6pm
Potential Hackaday meetup
- "Bring a hack" theme
- Just brought up on the mailing list
- It would be cool to emphasize that people who bring their cool projects are the kind of people we want as members
- Tabled to the mailing list
Space Project Updates
Project Name/Desc | Status | Champion | Coordinator | Budget_FY15 | Status | Current Due Date |
Tormach Grant | Active | Ken | Jim | no | We've had two meetings so far and right now we are analyzing potential projects to write into the grant. | TBD |
New Compressor | Active | Brian | Evan | yes | Compressor is on Order | 6-8 weeks |
RFID for equipment | Active | James K | na | no | Building Prototypes, getting data from the Wiki & CRM | 12/31/2015 |
New CRM | Active | Justin | Board | ??? | Still in talks with Ed/Seltzer, still working on list of requirements. | TBD |
Desks for WhiteBoard Room | Active | Justin | Max? | no | Done | TBD |
Parking permit 2.0 | Active | Nate_B | Board | no | Voted on! | TBD |
Weld Zone Exhaust | Active | Jody | Jody | YES | It's all down to the round tuit manufacturer... | 3/31/15 |
Rotary axis for Bumblebee | Active | Roger | Board | YES | Working out shipping details with Weike. | 3/31/15 |
EventBrite Non-Profit Conversion | DONE | Charlie | Board | NA | Finished, now we pay less fees! | na |
Hack the Home Hackathon | Active | Evan | Evan | YES | Evan is feeling apathetic, needs a new Champion | tbd |
Maker Faire 2015 | Active | Konrad | Scott S | YES | Presently coordinating with Konrad on visiting organizer meetings at the monthly meetings at the Henry Ford museum. | 7/15 |
Storage Strike Force | Active | Matt & Terry | na | NO | meeting on 3/23 @7pm | tbd |
Yuri's Night | Active | Konrad | Board | YES | It's happening April 11th 5-9pm. There is a meeting on Tuesday the 24th at 7pm, also an eventbrite event and blog post! | 4/24 |
Penguicon Coord | Active | Scott S | na | NO | Scott briefly discussed with Matt Arnold about inviting Gizmodo and io9 lead editors to visit i3, around the time of the convention. Idea was officially posed to the convention committee, and the committee itself invited Gizmodo and io9 to visit i3. Currently waiting on response, will follow up with Matt in a few days. | tbd |
Forklift & Air Compressor | Active | Evan | Board | The Forklift and Air compressor are currently on craigslist, will lower price in a week if there's no interest. There's been a few bites at least. | tbd | |
Coord with SME | Active | Charlie | Board | NO | Charlie - I will follow up with ted on this. | tbd |
Classroom Wall | Active | Karianne & Jamie | Karianne | YES | Draft and send an email and blog post about what was, what is, and what will be for the new classroom zone. | 3/15 |
Siemens Grant | Active | Charlie | Board | YES | Expect a new CAD terminal and shiny software (SolidEdge) soon, also a professional trainer and a 4-class series. | 9/15 |
Update Camera Policy | Active | Jamie | Board | YES | Jamie does not remember being the champion, Terry takes over, forms a strike force! | tbd |
Outdoor sign for i3 | Active | Greg | Board | yes | Moved to April | 4/30/15 |
Printing Press Acquisition/Provisioning | Active | Kevin, Ashley | Kevin | yes | On hold, still searching for a suitable press. | 06/01/15 |
Sign in Desk Foyer | Active | Greg | Board | YES | working on drawings, not sure what the group would really like that area to be in addition to a sign in/sign up. Greg will make a questionaire. | 3/15 |
Tying the Keypad to the CRM | Inactive | Evan | Board | no | need code to tie into CRM | TBD |
New i3 PowerSports car | Inactive | Jon | Matt | NO | Hold due to budget cuts | 07/15/15 |
Rolling Chairs Purchase | Done | Leora | Board | yes | Has new Champion | TBD |
Red Bull MindShare | Done | Roger | Board | no | Red Bull MS happened. Met the new rep. May have RB soon. | 9 Mar 2015 |
Sell Welders | Done | Jody | Jody | no | Completed | Finished - 11/04/14 |
Urinal Repair | Done | Nate W | Board | YES | Completed | Finished - 10/21/14 |
Caster Stands for Kiln | Done | Terry | Terry | YES | Jody got it all welded | 2/17/15 |
Equipment Access via the Wiki | Done | Jamie | na | NO | Betas out to Coordinators | Finished - 11/9/14 |
Server Replacement | Done | Evan | Board | yes | set up and running | Finished - 1/13/15 |
reBOOT Detroit Conference and Hackathon | Tabled | Charlie | NA | yes | Abandoned, not worth the effort. | TBD |
WDET | Tabled | Konrad | NA | yes | no interest | TBD |
Outreach to Adult Learning | Tabled | Konrad | NA | yes | no interest | TBD |
Ducting for Plasma Cutter | Tabled | stopped due to plasma cutter leaving |
i3 MotorSports
- New 3 mo. term started, March - May
- 4 participants this time
- Nikki Weltman
- Joseph Bauman
- Karianne Gottschalk
- Maxwell Gonyea-Alexander
Action Items
no action items
Proposal | Moved By | Seconded By | Aye | Nay | Result |
Parking Permit-related Standing Rules: Wording of the changes from the mailing list thread Changes won't take place until after new permit is published. | Nate B | Terry | 16 | 0 | PASS |
Broom Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:16 pm
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 25