Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20140805
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Meeting Minutes 20140715 | Meeting Minutes 20140819 |
Chair Madalyn Winnans
- Dennis -
- Levi - Does most things other than electronics
- George - Jewelry
- Jody - Interest in laser cutters and electronics
- Scott -
- Matt - Interested in Arduino
- Mark - experience in robotics and electronics, interested in welding and fabrication skills.
- Only one of them heard of us because of Maker Faire
Action Item Review
Show and Tell
- Hilarious
- Got lots of interesting comments
- Not too horrible to actually do
- Bowling balls rolling down the street
- There's a video!
New Business
Maker Faire Recap
- Yay for Maker Faire
- It was awesome
- Applause
- RedBull project - Robocrop got a lot of attention at Maker Faire
- Kids loved it, loved using it to squirt water at their friends, too.
- Maker Faire after party was the best we've ever had
- Dance floor and outdoor tables where you could talk were nice.
- Thanks for that idea Max!
- Tables were not blocking the back of the space so people could enjoy seeing the space and getting tours.
- We made about $420 in tips and $30 in the money sucker
Standing Rules Proposal and Vote
- Point of Contact: Greg Smith
- Proposal was posted on the member list here on July 13th.
- Motion seconded
- Greg reads the proposal
- Vote is open to all 49
- 22 in favor, 0 abstain, 0 against
- Motion passes!
2014 Elections
- Point of Contact: Jamie Burdeski
- Elections are on September 2nd 7:30 PM
- Only electing board members, NOT Officers
- Nominations for Board of Directors is now open! Email the secretary to nominate
- Nominations close August
18th19th - Absentee Ballots will be available
- If you're interested, you should get on the ballot - Maddy
- It's a good experience
Ordering New T-shirts
- Point of Contact: Jamie
- We're out of the smaller men's sizes
- Also out of smaller women's sizes, and larger women's sizes
- Justin, Maddy, and Greg are interested in the discussion
- Was there a budget line? No.
- Shirts might be self funded (should be)
- Interested in i3 Motor Sports too
Virtual tour of the space on Google Maps
Point of Contact: Mike Fink
- Any major objections or issues?
- Preview
- Tabled for next meeting
Strategy Session
- Point of Contact: Charlie R.
- Where do we want to see the space in a year?
- How do we plan on continuing to grow while providing the same quality of service?
- Create a committee? - encourage interest of general members, not just the board
- Start a conversation about new ideas that could set the course of i3 for the future.
- Roger did it before? Nate B says we'd like some help facilitating it.
- Look for the meeting on the list and the calendar!
TEDx Detroit 2014
Point of Contact: W. Scott Richardson
- Call for easy Show-and-tell projects to highlight i3Detroit and its members
- Parking Lot Fun: Power-Wheels races/drivers? Liability?
- Hackerspace Mini-Golf course @ TEDx Detroit
- Looking for a group of people to come down and work a table
- Set up at 8am and takedown around 6pm on Tuesday, September 30th
- Several tongues were stuck out at the fact that TEDx is happening on a Tuesday
- Would like small table sized projects that we can show off and attract people to i3
- A note is going to the list to find projects and people interested in going to the event
- Two new things at TEDx Detroit
- Considering of doing a powerwheels race if they can find a parking lot
- Considering the TEDx Open competition for mini-golf
Being excellent with Parking Tickets
Point of contact Steampunk Steve
- Parking ticket placement should not damage objects.
- Be courteous when making parking tickets
- Duct tape can damage projects
- Painters tape or just place the parking ticket next to the project
Zone updates
Bike Zone
- New stuff is getting purchased
- New bike stand
- Lube and grease will be on hand
Commons Area
- Lights look cool
- Make them more permanent? return to owner?
Compute Zone
- Someone gave us a computer
- Talking about reworking the whiteboard room to be a little more useful
- Mostly used for naps, and that can be upstairs too
- Thinking about putting tables in the whiteboard room that could fall under the compute zone
- Will be drawing up a small floorplan for it
- Open to suggestions
- Talk to Justin, or Matt H about it
- The electronics lab is always full, and this could help relieve some of the demand for space
E Lab
- See email about all the new parts
- That's about it
- New oscilloscope
Injection Zone
- There is a budget
- Looking for help with hydraulics
- Hoping to get the bigger machine running
Kiln Zone
- Would like to clear out large storage so that the kiln zone can be accessed
- Two of the kilns are running
Laser Zone
- Lens failure
- Mirror failure
- Replacements are coming in the next week or two
- Temporary replacement lens has a different focal length, so autofocus does not work anymore because the laser head could crash
- Use the manual focus
- Ask for help if you don't know what you are doing
Metal Shop
Point of contact Steampunk Steve
- Request approval of Ken Siegner and Steve Brook as Dual Zone Coordinators
- This is board business
- Jon is also interested in wardenship
- Jon did a lot of cleaning
- Sometime users of the metal shop don't know where things belong because the shop has been frequently in disarray
- Better organization, shelving, and logical labeling would help a lot
- Keeping the metal shop open for everyone to use, and not dominated by the frequent use of one member is important - Nate B
- Discussion will go to the board meeting
- Combined 50 years Engineering, Design, Fabrication experience.
- Large high profile project experience.
- High priority on Zone safety
- Dual Coverage in event of absence
- Strong mentoring and training skills
Tool Crib
- Thank you, Thomas Balogh, for the donation!
- Houston, we have a budget
- If you use a consumable, please drop money into the donation box
- So far got about $60 over 2 months
Vinyl Zone
- Vinyl zone still needs a warden elected
- There's a lot of money in the box, but Nate W doesn't have the key yet
- Nate W will seek wardenship at the next board meeting
Welding Zone
- A hand held plasma cutter is going
- Oxyacetylene danger of explosion
- Heads will be removed for safety from now on.
Action Items
- Maddy - look into i3 tshirt options
- Mike Fink -Show and tell the Google panorama of the inside of i3
- Jamie - update standing rules with the election proposal
Broom Party
- Find missing tools from tool zone
- Irwin tools were cut off the Genie, it was taken to RedBull and it was in the bin that went to Maker Faire, they're blue and yellow in a blue canvas bag (or sleve?). It's somewhere we'll find it.
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed:
- Funds appropriated:
- Attendees: