Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20140401
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Chair Justin Triplett
- i3Birthday
- 5 years old
- No it's not
- Yes it is
- Founders are arguing, no one cares
- Kevin - Art zone warden. Obvious, he's the guy with all the paint
- Ted - Who am I? I am Ted. Ted's evil brother who doesn't read his email. Makes power wheels and robots. Ask him about anything.
- Steve - A new one. Call him Yozo. Sysadmin by trade, but came here to do wood working. Knows Kalika.
- Victor - Sysadmin by trade, likes wood working, metal working, concrete, electronics. Found us through friends and the website.
- Kyra (sp?) -
- Rishad (sp?) - returning, knows Ted and Big Nate, works on computers.
- He's the first member to pay dues to i3 since the very beginning
Action Item Review
Devon sneezes- A lot
Show and Tell
New Business
March 31 Budget Report
Point of Contact: Terry W
Bank Balances | 7/31/13 | 3/8/14 | 3/31/14 |
Emergency Fund | $5,009 | $5,010 | $5,010 |
General Fund | $10,441 | $16,781 | $17,333 |
Laser Fund | $1,529 | ||
Vinyl Fund | $0 | ||
Exec Summary: All accounting is current. The transition is over. Financial Fitness Grade : B+
April and May should be normal months and give us some normal data to analyze. I expect the bank balance to dip over the next two months as pent up spending hits the books. Utilities/BNektar adjustments should hit in April books.
March 31.2014 Report Spreadsheet (pdf) and a full report are in i3 Data Vault, Admin/Budget folder.
Three cheers for Budget Drone! (applause)
Amazon Smile
Point of Contact: Terry W
- AmazonSmile. i3Detroit is now signed up as a receiving charity.
- 0.5% of all purchases.
- To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com
- No different than normal Amazon shopping.
- No charge to buyer.
- i3 receives money 45 days after end of quarter.
- Someone will post about this on Facebook to encourage more people to support i3 through Amazon Smile
Movie Night
- Was a great success
- Large screen made from m a gigantic white sheet of fabric
- Old VGA projector is missing - we have 2 of the same kind, like the one that is kept under the tree house
- Please let Nate B know if you know what happened to it
Key Deactivation
- Former member keys are mostly deactivated
- A few left to handle
- 90 at $49 level
- 65 Grandfathered in at $39
- If someone comes in and their key is deactivated, don't just let them in. Sign them in as a guest. Tell them to check their email to see if they have been delinquent on their dues.
- Make sure if someone says their leaving that their CRM settings match what they said
Sun-setting Grandfathered Dues Rate
- It's been about 7 months since we started the new membership rate
- Let's clear up the former member deactivation first, so we will know who is still at the grandfathered rate
Zone updates
Compute Zone
- Has a laptop
- Documentation is going on the wiki
- Use it in the space
- Ask wardens if you need to remove it from the space
- Compute zone is now using burgundy to label things
Fab Lab
Point of contact: Amelia Meyer
- Broken Full Spectrum laser, investigating replacement component
- Focus stage screw has been stripped.
- People are over tightening it
- Andrew is seeking replacement from FullSpectrum
- Take the correct training for the laser you want to use, so ask somebody that can help you
- There is a list of qualified trainers on the wiki pages for the lasers
- Bumblebee has a list on the wall of qualified trainers
Laser Zone
- New ventilation
- We can now cut stuff like leather without it smelling bad
- Cut ABS without releasing cyanide into the space - WAIT! not yet, we're going to do some safety testing first
- Make sure to open the ventilation gates on Bumblebee or Wolverine depending on which one you're using and close the one you're not using.
Kiln Zone
Point of Contact: Terry W
- Held Glass Casting class
- In March, went well
- Preparing Ceramics Class
- Every thing is operation in the zone
- Glass Fusing Class on April 16
- Extra the new space in the zone is nice
- Some had difficulty with the vacuum former
- There is printed documentation
- Wiki documentation needs to be updated
Vinyl Zone
- Has burgundy now
Action Items
- Post on Facebook about Amazon Smile
Meeting Accomplished
- Meeting completed at 8:05 PM
- 16 people present