Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20130917
2013-09-17 I3Detroit Regular Member meeting 7:30pm
Chair Justin Triplett
- Intros - New Members / Guests
- Quick general discussion of meeting time
- Enforcement of sign in sheet for guests
- Appointment of Secretary
- Security Camera footage review
- Election of individuals by the general membership
- Coordinator Updates
- New Business
Intros: New Members / Guests
- Chris. Hi Chris.
- New to Ferndale
- Veteran
- Artist
- Paper maker
- Interested in technological art
Meeting Time
Quick general discussion of meeting time
- Consensus for 7:30 pm meeting time
- A change would take a vote from board and general membership
- Original intent in by-laws was to have "doors open at 7:00pm" to allow non-members in. -Matt S.
- Proposed item for board to remove timestamp from by-laws. -Matt H.
- No one attending hates the idea of removing time from by-laws
Sign in Sheet
Enforcement of Sign in sheet for guests
- Currently not enforced very strongly
- Important to avoid litigation or theft, etc.
- Review of sign-in sheet process
- Nate B. pretends to be lost.
- No unescorted guests!
- Liability form. Fill it out once per guest.
- Sign in sheet
- Fill out for guests once per visit.
- Sponsor member must stay present or hand off guest to a new sponsor
- Door person idea: Assign someone to be on door duty. -New Chris
- Sign out: not currently necessary, but might be a good idea
- Put a concierge bell by the front so guest can get member attention. -Ken
- Revive open Fridays
Appointment of Secretary
- General members elected someone who does not exist(?).
- Some communication with elected secretary by email, but email address disappeared.
- Board voted over email and elected this guy ... applause ...
- Ohai! ~kmbrown314
Security Camera
Security Camera footage review
- We're being surveiled? Yes.
- For safety and prosperity.
- Recordings cannot be viewed without following a process.
- Process not implemented
- Incident in woodshop
- Something was disassembled
- Camera was viewed to determine what happened
- Idea: At least two persons from each group must decide that viewing the camera is necessary
- Group A: Board + Officers
- Group B: Member elected group
- Tabled.
Coordinator Updates
- E-Lab -Nate B.
- Nothing of note..........that's it.
- Lazer Cutter: No news is good news -Matt A.
- Craft room: No news. -Kevin F.
- Kiln Zone -Terry
- We can now make drop cast glass bowls
- Kiln is up an running
- New expansion to kiln zone up and running by end of September
- Expanding 48" away from wall
- Ceramic kiln operational - seeking those with ceramics experience
- Public kiln class 10/10/13
- Donation of a glass edge grinder - It needs maintenance, new parts, a table
- Tree house: Still a tree
- Wood Shop -Dave S.
- Getting a tool grinder and Wooden lathe tools
- Machine Shop
- The new buffer
- It's larger than we thought
- Actually, just a very large belt sander
- Needs some work
- Seeking metal drill press, $600 budgeted for it
- New tools budget - currently under by $750
- 'Fantastic' Craftsman tool chest donated by Gary Warren
- Tools organized in steel cage? Not yet.
- Not yet
- Shelves to be added
- Labels to be had
- Help needed
- The new buffer
- CNC Zone
- No wood projects, spindle is not fast enough to do a good job
- Update on new CNC
- Donation is going forward
- Current owners recieve their replacement on 10/28/13
- New CNC going in the corner currently occupied by the Robotics Zone
- Volunteers needed to move and reorganize shop for CNC-Robotics-Tool Crib area.
- Compute Zone -Justin T.
- Software Freedom Day
- Saturday 9/21/13, 1pm to 7pm
- 8GB USB drives with Linux or whatever FOSS, $7 donation
- Terreria
- It's 2D Minecraft, but massive
- Metroid meets Contra
- FPGA stuff
- Minecraft bukkit server for Python hacking
- Volunteers?
- Don't forget the sign in sheet for participating guests!
- Software Freedom Day
- Welding
- Tool Crib
- Fab Lab
New Business
- Email from Nick B. about Urban sensor hacks from Make Magazine. Seeking representation from big hackerspaces across country. Talk with people who are building stuff. -Matt O.
- This is a personal invitation from the CEO of Make Magazine to get involved with this. Any one interested in organizing this?
- Idea: censor network. Bleep out things people say? -New Chris
- What is a sensor?: temperature, pressure, light, distance, moisture, etc.
- Idea: Fukushima(sp?) - radiometer sensors used to track people in the area and compared with official sensors. -Terry
- Who is interested: Max S, Justin T, Mark M, Kevin F, New Chris
- Roeper School -Matt O.
- A private K-12 school
- Looking for someone to come give a talk on creativity or projects done at i3.
- Slots open at 8:30am on the 3rd Friday of the month in December, January, March, or April.
- Will pay the individual, your option to donate
- One time offer
- North American Sci Fi Convention 2014 -Matt A.
- Detroit won right to run it at Ren. Center
- Calling all Exhibits, workshops, demos
- July 17th to 20th 2014
- Point of contact: Matt Arnold
- Ham Radio -Mark M.
- Antenna needs to go on roof
- Landlord doesn't want anything on the roof
- Justin is point of contact
- Non-penetrating roof mounts not allowed according to Nate B.
- Stick it to the wall instead?
- BK Precision -TJ
- TJ's Zero to 2 Amp power supply departing from E Lab
- Will return, but date is T.B.D.
- Art Classes -Kevin F.
- General call for interest, yes from members present.
- How do you make a modified budget proposal?
- Make a proposal
- Submit it to the Board
- Racing deathmachine at Thunder Drome -Derek
- Two wheels
- 55 MPH
- Velodrome at Mound & Outer Dr.
- Saturday 9/21 and Sunday
- Public Glass Casting -Terry
- October 10 7pm to 9pm
- Still has slots open
- Lan Party
- Point of contact: -Matt S.
- October 12, 2013
- Terreria
- Potentially other games
- Open to guests
Action Items
- Konrad Brown: Email to list for electing security camera administrators
- Chris A: organize Urban Sensor Hacks
- Nate B: Perfect a functional phaser design for N.A. Sci Fi Convention
- Justin Triplett: Talk to landlord about putting ham radio antenna on the roof.
- Justin Triplett
- Maddy Winans
- Konrad Brown
- Matt Oehrlin
- Brian Wennberg
- Steve Nowick
- Mark Miles
- Aaron Greenwell
- Margaret Leyell
- Dave Scholl
- Chris Arendt
- Mark Lenigan
- Kevin Flory
- Matt Arnold
- Matt Switlik
- Matt Huber
- Ken Buttery
- Terry Wynn
- Nate Bezanson
- Nate Warnick
- Ed Platt
- Adrienne Patterson
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