Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20120221
2012-02-21 i3 Detroit, February 21, 2012 - Regular Meeting
7:32pm, Start, held in the i3 Detroit Commons
Dustin White running the show chem lab proposal been crappy for years, attempts to clean it up have never gone well proposal to get rid of the chem stuff entirely and put the makerbot/reprap and PCB mill in there rocco suggests making it the meat smoking room banning question from james, what did he do question from ryan, was it specific things or the way he did things matt o blathers for a while rocco: we went to great lengths to figure out workable solution dustin explained the very-next-day problem kristine: what happens if he shows up? dustin: don't let him in, etc potlock nickolas: wtf is a potlock? dustin explains timeframe? how about end of march (earlier than notacon and penguicon) karen: and bring food! member storage nate warnick: presents the awesome giant shelving parking tickets nate bezanson: it's in the standing rules, clutter will be ticketed and moved out new member intro axel: did the lathe class and stuff, just learned vinyl, love learning skills new business member storage: nate bezanson: label every shelf with a solid date, ideas? dustin: clarifies, a lot of that stuff is from members who have quit rocco: folks with primo spots, consider moving up high if you don't use it much new member intro karianne summoned from the other side if the giant space working on sculpting, jewelry making, leatherworking, and stuff kristine asked for a recap of be excellent rocco explains in colorful analogies james: i'm curious about what everyone's doing karen: feel free to bug, just go away if asked wally: use a do-not-disturb sign? how do we learn what everyone's good at? rocco: I learned that at potlock! penguicon karen: penguicon is... i3 has been involved for two years now roger: and that dance-off with the romans karen: we'll be talking about this after the meeting guest intro: dave scholl introduces adam, interested in metalworking, welding, bike shop roger: how is membership changing: nate bezanson: it's only an idea, nothing's changing yet dustin: we'll come up with a proposal if it feels like a good idea rocco: explains the flat-fee idea, which may become a proposal meeting adjourned by cowbell 7:57pm
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