Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20111019
19-- i3 Detroit, October 19, 2011 - Regular Meeting
7:30 pm, Start, Regular Meeting, held in the i3 Detroit Commons
Dustin White, Chair
Nickolas Andersen
Matt Arnold
Joseph Bender
Nathaniel Bezanson
Hans Chen
Jennifer Conlin
Trevor Cook
Ted Hansen
Mark Lenigan
Rocco Marras
Matt Oehrlein
Ed Platt
Dave Scholl
Dan Shaw
Roger Slykhouse
Matt Switlik
Nate Warnick
Dustin White
Communications Skills
Ed. Platt – Has introduced new communication methods so we can have more efficient and well-run meetings. (1) Nonverbal communication - Wave hands in air for approval (from american sign language gesture for applause); and (2) ‘Que Keeper’, if needed, one person who is charge of who speaks (who is talking, first-in, first-out basis). Raised hand to respond to things, etc.
Strategy Session Recap
Roger Slykhouse - (see annual strategy page on wiki). Sunday night was used to recap the strategy. Information has been updated on the Wiki. Progress is being made on somethings” such as more pages on the wiki, potlock setup, joiners done, e increased blogging, merit badges established, QR codes are now on the Wiki, and some things have been dropped. Members are encouraged to post to the member list if they want to tackle items on the to-do list.
Event - Oscilloscope Introduction
Nathaniel Bezanson - This Saturday, October 22, 2011 he will be holding a beginner’s oscilloscope
Event - Halloween/TED Party
Matt Oehrlein – The Halloween/TED Party will be held on Oct 29, 2011. Ted Hansen’s mom will bring cake and he will get refreshments
iCritic Detroit
Dan Shaw & Jennifer Conlin - Are working on iCritic Detroit, a grass-roots, citizen journalism project that uses a mobile video booth to take around to various arts events for real-time reviews. Have received a grant for an arts journalism project and their proposal is due by November 30. They need help for help designing the project from our technically-minded members.
Pinewood Derby
Matt Oehrlein - We will be hosting the Pinewood Derby workshop, sponsored by AIGI, on Monday, October 24, 2011, 8 pm to 9:30 pm. We are showing them how to properly use the equipment. Another workshop might be held in November and/or December.
*Send call for people to ask for help, watch the space.
Woodworking Safety Class
Dustin White – Will hold a woodworking safety class on the morning of the Potlock, Nov. 19, 2011.
Nathaniel Bezanson - Reminder that the semi-annual Potlock is going to be held November 19, 2011. It’s an all-day, all-night event in which as many members as possible get together to accomplish as many items on the wiki todo list as possible so we can get our space into tip-top shape. Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish of food so that everyone has something to eat during this time. Also, monetary donations are highly welcome, anything, even $20, would be well appreciated. A parts and materials list will be created so we can figure out what we need.
Ed Platt - Will get a figure for budget to see if we can have things collectively paid for.
Tool Flux
Dustin W. – Surface Grinder will be put up. Steve Hermann put a large amount of his own money, $300, to purchase it.
Nate B. - Nick and Ross took a bunch of stuff home, table saw still left here. Tools are going to be left here. Ryobi Drills, each one is going to have a designed wiki page and storage spot so they can be more easily accounted for.
Recent PR/Outside Contacts
Matt Oehrlein
Detroit Nation – Met a blogger who works at the Detroit Hub, a news aggregator. She has agreed to come visit to write a news article. She is might coming next Monday to check the place out.
Van Guard CDC – A few guys from VG CDC, met with Matt O. Teach finance and grant-writing skills. It may work out, will investigate other options.
New business
Soap Dispenser
Rocco Marras – Has installed soap dispensers by the wash basin and the bathroom.
Classes - Promotion
Nathaniel Bezanson - We promote classes through the blog and public mailing list. There’s a wiki page that has a description of how to promote a class.
Roger Slykhouse - And a wiki page page named classes.
Adj. 8:14 pm
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