Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20110802

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02-- General Member Meeting August 2, 2011

Meeting called to order 7:32 (after troubleshooting the phone bridge)


  • Changing of office occurs in about 2 months.
  • Two separate elections: one for board of directors, one for officers.
  • Officers operate day-to-day business; BOD directs long-term vision/direction.
  • An individual can be both a director and an officer.
  • Details of each officer position can be found in the bylaws.

501 Status

  • Need to fill out app.
  • Ed and Paul meeting with E.A. Schensky on Aug 16.
  • Narrative not yet written.
  • Still on track for end-of-summer completion (mid-Sept)

Maker Faire Recap

  • May not be a MF next year; sponsorship slot is open.
  • After party: Rocco did a great job prepping for party; thanks to all who contributed (Rocco, Rocco's brother, Dustin, Bill Putt, Paul K, Brad M)
  • Power Wheels: Thanks to all who helped out. i3 Detroit placed 2nd overall; KC fire killed chances of 1st place.
  • Cleanup: MF projects need to find homes. Stuff on carts is temporary; find your stuff and get a home for it ASAP. Please clean up your property by Aug. 9.
  • If you have any of Rocco's moving blankets, please put them with the others on the golf cart.
  • Tent Layout:
 ** Eric didn't like layout this year; MF recommended the approach used this year. 
 ** Being able to be seen from the main aisle draws people in.
 ** Ground markings might have helped.
 ** Still might be room for improvement in the flow.
 ** Second tent (with Eric, Cherish, etc) didn't seem to get much traffic.
  • Any way to encourage/help members get their projects done early?
 ** MF dry-run/preview a month before?
 ** Perhaps have makers describe/debug their projects at meetings leading up to MF.
 ** AA MMF might be a good target for members to aim for.
 ** Basically want to improve quality of showings!
  • Transport
 ** Should probably consider renting a truck next year.
 ** One project didn't make it to MF!
  • Group projects:
 ** Make likes 'em; maybe next year we can have one or more?
 ** Forums can be a good place to organize group projects.
  • TechShop Open House
 ** TS wants to be 'formally friendly' with i3.
 ** Thanks for the beer!
  • Thank yous
 ** Bill's cart was extremely useful
 ** Hopefully it will be available for future events
  • Neatorama: Similar to boingboing
 ** Offered to give us t-shirts in exchange for event exposure.
  • Kickstarter
 ** Setup was done in the heat of MF, so it needs some work.
 ** Not going to push it until it's revised.
 ** Target goal of $25K is high but necessary (cost breakdown available).
  • Tool replacement program
 ** 'Don't Panic' program: form with check boxes to indicate what's broken and the suggested replacement cost.
  • Upcoming Events
 ** Floppy recovery disk party
 ** Should schedule classes!
 ** Arduino intro: Makershed is going to send a box of mintyduinos for classes.
 ** Makershed interested in new kits; can help with manufacturing.
 ** Possible head-casting class in early Fall.
 ** Eagle class?
 ** Makers Asylum model is very successful.
 ** For series: maybe charge for entire series up-front to avoid drop ins/outs.
  • Open House
 ** Might be able to get governor to visit
 ** Other ideas for 'anchors' are welcome; see Nick.
 ** Need to have events for the next few weeks to ride MF wave.
 ** Ted volunteered to have something for this Friday; Nate Saturday.
 ** Something for Dream Cruise?
  • Member Storage
 ** The reaper will reap soon.
 ** Can't get Genie back there due to stuff sticking out from shelves.
 ** Recent power washing caused grimy water to flood floor of member storage.
  • MF NY
 ** Submission deadline is Aug. 8.
 ** If there is enough interest, we may be able to get a tent there.
  • Rocco needs reimbursement for party; $576 remaining to be reimbursed.
 ** Ted called vote to reimburse Rocco up to $600 for party expenses.
 ** Votes in favor: 10
 ** Votes against: 0
 ** Abstain: 0

Meeting adjourned at 8:26.

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