Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20101102
[hide]- 1 i3Detroit, members bimonthly meeting Nov 2nd 2010
- 2 Budget Summary
- 3 Heating
- 4 Fire Inspection
- 5 Web Working Group
- 6 501(c).3
- 7 Beautification
- 8 PR Committee
- 9 Penguicon/i3 Party Aftermath
- 10 Potlock II
- 11 CRM Update
- 12 Vertical shelving
- 13 Oakland eCornicopia
- 14 Podcasting Night
- 15 Signage/Logo
- 16 Detroit Urban Craft Fair
- 17 Paper Tigers NY
- 18 Punchlist
- 19 alendar Review
i3Detroit, members bimonthly meeting Nov 2nd 2010
Where: i3Detroit (comons area) When: Nov 2nd 2010 7:30pm
Budget Summary
- Not quite breaking even during the winter, based on current estimates; in black once heating season is over.
- Radiant: Awesome but expensive ~$10K 3-4 week lead time
- Forced air replacement: Much cheaper, but noisier and messier. ~$4200 Shorter time span
- Third quote tomorrow: infrared option?
- Swit will see about getting another quote from someone he knows
- Radiant vs. forced: 25% cost savings, may not recoup up front cost for a long time (years)
- Landlord may knock some rent off in exchange for i3 paying for install
Fire Inspection
- Fire Marshall made a surprise inspection
- Didn't like wood pile under chop saw
- Box touching ceiling needs to be untouched
- Auto shop needs sprinkler system and fire rated walls—not going to happen
- Overall, went well.
Web Working Group
- Transfer put on hold until mid next week
- Ashley went to IRS seminar; got secret guide book
- Minutes from meeting are on list, wiki
- Might be able to get filing done for $250
- Ross is reading the Noisebridge tome
- Need to be a community asset to get non-profit status
- AHA is kicking our ass in community outreach
- A couple projects in the works; sidetracked by Halloween
PR Committee
- 2.5 members; Nick is looking for add'l members.
- Need to set up first meeting
Penguicon/i3 Party Aftermath
- PA system sucked
- Webcam was nice
- A bit disorganized/under-prepared overall, but it was a lot of fun
- Pictures might be good for future publicity
- Better costume contest next year
- Raffle in future? Considered gaming, but might be possible.
Potlock II
- Need big todo items
- Classroom?
- Expand shop area into graveyard area; get rid of graveyard
- Graveyard should be for stuff left over from in-space projects, not junk hauled in on the hopes that it gets used.
- Graveyard purge will happen at next potlock. Current member shelves will be moved to new member storage; old storage will become graveyard.
CRM Update
- Ed's looking for volunteers to beta test; contact him directly if you're interested.
Vertical shelving
- Nearly done; to be finished at potlock
- Need to be attached to roof before use
- Usage limits intentionally vague
- Ashley has storage bins available on first come, first served, you-clean-it basis
Oakland eCornicopia
- Subject is “open”, topics are:
- Open Education
- Open Access
- Open Source
- Swit wants to get together a hackerspace panel (Rust Belt spaces)
- May 27, 2011 One month after Penguicon
- Needs volunteers for some of the panels
- Open Hardware panel: Arduino
- Video/image editing: Gimp, Audacity, etc.
- Swit will post call for presentation topics to public list
Podcasting Night
- Should there be a podcasting night?
- May spark interest in podcasting studio
- See thread in members list
- What happened to the logo discussion?
- Submit all current logo ideas to a vote?
- Dustin will merge into a single document for printing/online versions
- Vote will occur at meeting after potlock
Detroit Urban Craft Fair
- i3 invited again
May have 2 booths
- First weekend of December, Sat-Sun
- Contact Nick if you're interested
Paper Tigers NY
- Doing documentary of hackerspaces; will be by the space some time this weekend.
- Hose reel nearly done; low pressure hose to be replaced
- Tall shelving: Finish at potlock
- Speakers: need wire; Russ can order wire at cost; waiting on heating to be done
- Power strips in room: Paul needs to mount powerstrip
- Power strips in e-room: Nearly done
- Curtains: Need fixtures
- Safety signage: Ross will talk with zone wardens about sign needs
- Weatherstrip windows: Swit doesn't like design; will use tape to seal frames/plastic to windows
- Paper towel holders: Potlock item; Swit volunteers to make it happen
- Outlets: Paul will take care of them when possible
alendar Review
Hackerspace callin: ext. 3232 will connect you to call in
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