Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20100316
16-- i3detroit 2010-03-16
* new member intros * approx 30 members. how to display who the members are so we can learn who each other is. * THE MOVE o april 1st deadline. o first inspection failed with minor issues + big electrical issue is being addressed + furnaces 1 out of 5 shop area heaters don't work # trying to get landlord to replace a few broken ones. + water is on. few leaks are being addressed. + exit signs are enroute. + mold issue has been sampled and is going out to lab tomorrow. # building need airing out # mold will need to be removed carefully # samples for mold and asbestus (Nate) + if no clean CofO by april 1st we can get all our money back. o moving party all day saturday. o Detroit hub articles, metro mode articles. o kickstarter is on track. + another video
* membership numbers are at a point where we are covering the new rent. still need a few more for utilities.
* More new space build out tomorrow (Weds.) * Taxes: owed gov't $394 * If signing up a new member remember to get the $5 key dep. * move from paypal to amazon is complete. * hack5 guy may stop by to film in the future. * future midwest, notacon, penguicon all coming up. * TVBGONE guy will be at notacon and penguicon * keep an eye out for powerwheels cheap. * duct tape red green event idea.
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