Minutes:Maker Faire Meeting 20190618
[hide]Agenda for 06-18-2019
Planning for Maker Faire 2019
Status Updates
Get more T-shirts
- Found last order $1000 for 93 (~2015)
- Requests for other designs have come in (long sleeve, more sizes etc.)
- Mel wants help going through the options on the site (there are A LOT!)
- Want to get the order in before the end of June
Assignee: Mel
Party Invites
- Paul needs to know who else is donating things to the party so they can be included on the invite
- Mel is checking on this
- He also needs the text for the MEDC flyer
- Will probably be a separate flyer since they're single use
Assignee: Paul & Mel
Call for Volunteers
- Volunteer 2019 Google Form is up and running. URL shortened version: https://tinyurl.com/y567bf9k
- We have 10 volunteers, as of this afternoon. All have been responded too. (except Matt Carpenter... for reasons.)
- Made a flyer to post around our space and possibly related venues. Presenting to meeting for review.
- https://www.i3detroit.org/wi/images/a/a6/I3_Volunteers_2019_Detroit_Maker_Faire.pdf
- Requests help to make a post on official i3D Facebook and Twitter accounts.
- Should any new announcements / postings include a message that Maker Faire Detroit 2019 is not canceled?
Assignees: Louie
Call for Projects/Vendors
- Lew has 11 tables of Vendors
- Kevin sent email requesting projects, Mel will check on getting a Google form attached
Assignees: Lew, Kevin
Tent Layout
- Waiting for project list
Assignees: Lew and Kevin
- Waiting for list of projects
Assignee: Paul
Fix MoneySucker - HELP NEEDED
- The moneysucker is one of our best donation-getting tools and it is currently inoperable
- It appears at least the relay is shot, maybe more
- Get in touch with Charlie or Lego on how to repair it
Assignee: Charlie?
Build Additional Donation Project - HELP NEEDED
- Construct another interactive project which can collect donations to mark the occasion of our expansion fundraising campaign
- i3 injection molded pieces with laser-cut center caps for "free" with a donation
- Little trinkets around the demos people can put donations in and take one when they ask "can I buy something from you?"
- Mel is going to talk to people about early pledges for MEDC, will ask if people have ideas
Assignee: ???
Other Topics
- David: Penske gave us a discount code if we want to use a truck instead of a trailer
- He will contact places to get prices using trailers vs. trucks
- Party stuff
- Concerns about who is going to clean up after the party
- Suggestion: At the end of Sunday Maker Faire, split last shift into people tearing down the tent and the other half at the space cleaning up after the party
- Tentative timeframe 8-2AM (put this on the flyer)
- 10th-anniversary decorations (Balloons, what else?)
- Kevin
- We're lacking in larger projects
- Is Zia able to show her project?
At the original planning meeting in January 8 roles were identified to help spread out the work. Is everyone still good with the roles they volunteered for? Who can we get to fill the remaining positions?
Main Lead
- Run regular planning meetings, provide assistance to other leaders, project management (maintain timelines verify progress).
- Volunteer: Vivian
Vendor Wrangler
- Contact for i3 members/associates interested in selling wares at the event.
- Work with infrastructure to place storefronts in appropriate places with access to required resources
- Volunteer: Lew
Project Wrangler
- Encourage members to display projects, maintain list of project components (deliver to loadmaster and infrastructure), set up orphaned projects. Generate fancy display labels for projects.
- Volunteer: Kevin
Henry Ford Contact
- Main contact person for THF
- Volunteer: Mel
Pooba of Powerstrips (Infrastructure)
- Manage layout of floor space and distribution of resources to displays which require them (Includes power, TVs, etc.). Collect i3 items which need to be borrowed. Set up signage at event.
- Volunteer: Gary
Volunteer Coordinator
- Create and send out the form to membership requesting volunteers for setup/operation/teardown of both main event and afterparty. Assign volunteers to roles based on availability.
- Volunteer: Louie
- In charge of reserving the truck and loading/unloading items per manifest provided by project wrangler and infrastructure coordinator. Stays with the truck on Friday and Sunday.
- Volunteer: David
Afterparty Coordinator
- Schedule food/entertainment for the Maker Faire afterparty, create/distribute invitations, work with the volunteer coordinator to identify bodies to help clean and arrange the space for the party
- Volunteer: Jan
Important Notes from Last Year
- Do we want to do a hangout type area again?
- Take inventory before the event of which TVs support HDMI/SD cards and give priority to taking those to Maker Faire.
- On the form that asks what stuff your project will need to ask if SD or HDMI etc. will be needed on TV?
- Paperweights!
- Event PR - Need to identify a few people to handle this for the event, posting before, pictures during, advertising the party etc.
- Rope and stanchions for traffic flow control
- Ashley will be seeking volunteers to help run letterpress demos (4-5 people ideally; fewer volunteers means we don't run the press the whole weekend). It's popular with the kiddos, and an inexpensive giveaway.
- Write up projects which used i3 for repairs during Maker Faire in our PR for the event
- Use colored wristbands to identify over/under 21 and for counting attendees
- Business cards - Easy to hand out cards with the location of space, the timing of open tours, space on the back for a person to put their name and contact
- Get Maker Faire party invites into maker packets