Minutes:Maker Faire Meeting 20160417
Maker Faire 2016
Joseph is leading
- Meeting to plan this will happen soon
- Try to get an ice cream truck to show up
Decorations/Space Prep
- Lights outside over the driveway
- Make another donation vacuum for the bar
- Joseph will make alcoholic
- Nonalcoholic?
- We have the pop fridge - move that by the bar?
- LOTS of bottled water
- Coffee cart - Dana
- Ask about in HF book
- Flier - Mike
- Really need help in this area
- 14 to 20 feet
- Reserve early
- Moving blankets
- One for the whole weekend or one each day?
- Last year one each day worked pretty well
- Walls
- Ask for 3
- Make sure to follow up with HF
- Want to coordinate this on our own instead of people submitting their own projects
- Wrist bands need to be coordinated internally with
- Is anyone making a large project?
- Does anyone have project-specific concerns for being outdoors?
- Could do a small indoor area for delicate projects
- Minimize this
- Project signage - Dana will make
- People with projects vs people to talk about projects
- Good for new members
- Make sure there's an FAQ available for the talkers
- Good for new members
- Google doc spreadsheet for volunteer schedule
- Document planning/schedule details on website/wiki
- Contact for projects/management
- Kevin wants to organize the art area
- Jamie and Dana will do this for everything else
- Demonstration activities in the tent?
Task | Taskee |
Confirm walls with Shauna | Charlie |
Investigate audio system | Jospeh |
Project guideline page (deadlines, timelines, points of contact) on wiki | Nate B |
Advertise party to Hackaday | Joseph |