Minutes:Covid Policy Meeting Minutes 20200916
Minutes for 09-16-2020
Chair: Jamie
Meeting Location
Meeting was Called to Order At: 8:15
Old Business
Completed Action Items
- Add signage, saying to stay home when sick and proper sneeze etiquette. Location uncertain Mel
- If you have make further revisions to the draft policy document, please inform Slack. The more we do via slack the shorter the next meeting will be. Committee
- Post proposed minor waiver changes to covid-policy slack for committee buy-in Jamie
- Ask website channel to add a note on the main i3 webpage that i3 is not open to the general public Mel
- Identify wich EO, refer to specific types of facilities so that they can be better referenced Jamie and Mel
Incomplete/Tabled Action Items
- Make wiki page for physical response plan with picture, put in colored folder and add to kerbal coat hangar with note to not move. Que
- Reformat zone guidelines to reflect new format Que
- Work with ZoCos to commonize zone best practices to not explicitly insist on sanitizing every lightswitch Committee
- Add guidelines in new rules to use B-side/outside for classes/socialization Committee
- Add bullet to the member agreement about how to report unsafe working conditions, and send an email to announce for retroactive training Jamie
- Add sections to best practices for Hand tools, computer use, and sanitation Que
- Turn the covid best practices into a more FAQ Que
- Work with Commons & classroom ZoCos to move tables & chairs to B-side Committee
- Pending Temporary CoO being granted
- Work with the board to create a new best practices blurb linking to the a board covid disciplinary policy sheet Tabled-Committee
- board still working on this, their blurb is expected by the end of September
- Start brainstorming ventilation improvement ideas with infrastructure Committee
- Tabled until after rules rewrite is complete
- Investigate ways to physically separate work stations. Ie. OSB or Plexiglass separating the laser stations Committee
- Tabled until after rules rewrite is complete
Minors as guests
Minor Waiver Draft Rewording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1abD83EwjZPwLIZODlM8As8rMcw3orobN/view?usp=sharing
- Slack discussion leaned toward making the waiver so that only a parent/guardian could be the "chaperone". The waiver would then only need to be filled out one time
- This aligns with the standing rules as written, so no changes are needed to the standing rules
- If anyone wants to host groups of minors as in a class field trip, an additional electronic form will need to be created for that purpose and the standing rules should really be updated to clarify how that process would actually work.
Action Item: Jamie - Post summary of minor waiver changes to #space-business and/or other slack channels
History and Reasoning Behind use of Executive Orders
Action Item: Jamie - Create committee wiki page and start populating it with the history of our decisions & reasoning and whatnot
New Business
Recurring New Business
- Committee member changes
- None
- New executive orders
- No new ones, but we did review the existing ones
- Action Item: Jamie and Mel - Add phone number and how to report unsafe working things to the relevant forms and send email to the list
- Wiki/website check
- Changes from last meeting took effect, all the places look up to date. Just in time for us to re-write the rules and require another sweep
Rules Rewrite
Current Summary of changes
- Allows classes, training, social gatherings, and tours in addition to project work
- Removes explicit rules for cleaning surfaces/washing hands and replaces with simple guidelines
- Generally re-organizes sections to separate day-to-day operations vs administrative monitoring, etc.
- Allows minor guests over 10, using existing standing rules for Minor Waiver
Best Practices Updates
- Still kind of a mess - make more of an FAQ style?
- Zone-specific guidelines should be in a common format and with common level of content
- Need to add a section on how to host an event/class that reflects the specifics of the recommendations for public accomodations -(essentially treating guests more as customers vs employees for the sake of interpreting EOs)
- Need to add sections on hand tools, computer use, and sanitation (these were removed from the Official Rules)
Next Meeting & Other timing
- 10/6: Next member meeting
- 9/29: Date to post a fairly final proposal to the list to get it on the agenda without being dicks
- 9/22 at 7:30pm: Next committee meeting date, where everything needs to be finalized, less minor tweaks that can be done via Slack
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed:9pm
- Attendees: 5
Action Item Summary
Action Item | POC |
Add phone number and how to report unsafe working things to the relevant forms and send email to the list | Jamie and Mel |
Post summary of minor waiver changes to #space-business and/or other slack channels | Jamie |
Create committee wiki page and start populating it with the history of our decisions & reasoning and whatnot | Jamie |
Proposal Summary
No proposals.
- Jamie
- Mel
- Mike
- William
- David