Minutes:Committee On Board Terms Meeting Minutes 20150625
Role of directors of the board
- Board is meant to be an executive committee
- Board should not be heavily involved with day to day happenings of i3 Detroit, but be more concerned with direction
Role of officers
- Want more people making "officer type" decisions - widen middle management level
- Distribute work among more officers - utilize power to elect more Vice Presidents: VP of Program, VP of Fundraising, etc.
Elections of Directors
- Staggering director elections is good a idea
- Prohibiting officers from simultaneously being board members is a good idea
- Consider Section VI.3.B from AHA's Bylaws, reworded to specify 6 month election
- Consider term length 18 months - re-election cycle gets too complex
- Consider term length 1 year - re-election every 6 months
- Get input from past board and members - 1 or 2 year term, recommend term
- No board member shall serve more than 2 consecutive terms?
Recommend to the board to appoint more officers to distribute the work of daily business at i3
Standing rules
- 3. Elections
- Change language from "one vote" to "one ballot" where it reads "voting member shall cast one
voteballot, with voting being by ballot only.
- Change language from "one vote" to "one ballot" where it reads "voting member shall cast one
- No person shall hold the position of officer and director of the board simultaneously.
- After each election of the board, the board shall elect a Chairperson of the board by a vote of 2/3 majority of the directors at the first board meeting following the most recent election.
- If there an open seat on the board, the membership shall hold a special election to fill the position. The special election shall following the procedures for nomination and election described in the Standing Rules.
Options for director term plans shall go out to the membership as a survey:
1 Year Director Term Plan
- 1 year term
- 6 month re-election cycle in September and March
- 3 consecutive term limit
2 Year Director Term Plan
- 2 year term
- 1 year election cycle in September
- 2 consecutive term limit
- Greg Smith
- Konrad Brown
- Justin Triplett
- Charlie Rysenga
- Mike Fink