Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20200330

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Agenda for 03-30-2020

Chair: Jamie

Meeting Location

Virtual Meeting

Meeting was Called to Order At: 1907



  • Total Surplus is being effected my a portion of the membership still paying the old rate of $49. We currently have one months worth of bills from non emergency savings on hand. In the event of total membership hiatus all bills could be paid for 6 months through use of the emergency fund.
  • Detailed figures to be add by Treasury Department.

Possible Exceptions to Shop Closure

  • What is needed to get an exception from the existing executive orders?
    • What additional procedures if an are required if an exception is granted.
    • Beyond the minimum to comply, should additional precautions also be put in place to protect our community from the increased risk?
  • Under what conditions are we willing to allow useage of the space?
  • What rules would be in force for such useage?

Link to the Working copy of State, Local, and Maker community guidelines.

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

Have a virtual special meeting on 30Mar2020 to discuss Covid-19 policy, by voting you waive your right to advanced notice
Moved by Thomas, Seconded by Mel
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Status of i3

Action Items

  • Mel to follow up with MEDC, and the Architect
  • Jan to follow up with contacting the state regarding space status.
  • Jamie to contact Maker Works.
  • Matt to contact Michigan Maker Mailing List.

Points Of consideration

  • MEDC may be affected by the current crisis, but it is currently unclear how. Response may be slow due to the general overloading of state organizations.
  • Architect reports that they don't believe using the space for the production of medical supplies will effect the CoO application process later

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 1836
  • Funds appropriated:0
  • Attendees: 12

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

Suspend Roberts rules of Order.
Moved by Mel, Seconded by Mike
6 Ayes / 1 Nays
Result: PASS
Have a virtual special meeting on 02Apr2020 to discuss Covid-19 policy. By voting you waive your right to advanced notice.
Moved by Thomas, Seconded by Mel
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Have a virtual special meeting on 02Apr2020 to discuss Covid-19 policy. By voting you waive your right to advanced notice.ThomasMel70PASS
Suspend Roberts rules of Order.MelMike61PASS
Have a virtual special meeting on 30Mar2020 to discuss Covid-19 policy, by voting you waive your right to advanced noticeThomasMel70PASS


  1. Chair Jamie
  2. Secretary Que
  3. Mel
  4. David
  5. Mike
  6. Matt
  7. Robert
  8. Lewis
  9. Paul
  10. Jody
  11. A'Lisa
  12. Mark

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Board Meeting Minutes 20200310 Board Meeting Minutes 20200402