Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20161011

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Agenda for 10-11-2016

Chair: Jamie

Old Business

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting


  • Jamie wants to have something on the wiki so members can see what we've been discussing
  • Should also remind us of things that went to the list that need discussion

This Month

  • Camera system is currently down
    • Existing hardware is unstable
    • Purchasing a new system is probably the best option
    • Need to send an email to the membership to inform them of the state of the cameras
  • Michigan LARA paperwork is filed, we are still an existing nonprofit in the eyes of the state
  • Jamie is on hiatus
    • Still planning to be involved in the running of the space and all meetings
  • Zone Coordinator survey went out
  • James visited the Fife Lake Makerspace
  • Two requests for camera review
    • Improper use of woodshop
      • Want to know who's using the SawStop bypass key and leaving it in the machine
      • Bandsaw has also seen a lot of abuse.
    • Damage to cash box in welding zone
    • Is there anyone who can follow up on these issues to take some of the burden off the zone coordinators?
      • Member Advocates (Matt A & Alec) and Tony volunteer to do this.
Action Item: Matt A, Alec B, Tony S
- Follow up on wood shop and welding zone incidents to take some of the burden off the zone coordinators
Action Item: Mike
- Send out camera system update email to membership - 2 requests, system is unstable, new cameras are budgeted for 

Officers/Officer Duties

Last meeting's action items:

  • Ensure the position duties for officers are updated on the wiki in the How to pages. - Mike
    • Not done yet.
Action Item: Mike
- Ensure the position duties for officers are updated on the wiki in the How to pages.
  • Check to see if Dana is still interested and available for off-boarding - Matt A
    • Dana is not. The position is open and we are looking for someone to fill it.
  • Follow up with Terry on thoughts about how to best implement the VP of membership off-boarding. - Evan
    • Evan has done this and his notes follow:

Onboarding and Offboarding Discussion

  • Organize Friday Night Tours
  • In charge of the membership sign up process
  • Gets keys for new members
  • makes sure a CRM login is given to the new member
  • Gets member on e-mail lists
  • gives slack invite/tells them about slack
  • within 120 days contact them about helping out
  • refers change plan requests to Treasurer ->
  • takes and accounts for dues
  • handles dunning (collections)
  • handles changing of membership plans in the CRM
  • gets re-joined members' key reactivated
  • generates list of people ending their membership to give to offboarding ->
  • collects any information from people leaving and passes them to offboarding ->
  • handles the dead key list, getting keys out of the keypad
  • follows up with people from the treasurer's list of poeple ending membership, either by ceasing payment or request
  • notifies exiting members about:
    • potential left storage and when it becomes i3 property
    • any loaned tools that need to be taken away or they will also become i3 property
    • ask for the key back
    • ask why they are leaving
  • follow up about:
    • storage (empty it, or tell storage@)
    • re-label tools as i3 property (wiki too)
  • refers change plan requests to Treasurer ->
  • collects and analyses information about why members are departing
  • handles fluhing of passwords from departing members
  • member flow analysis
    • in vs. out
    • seasonal trends
    • event based trends(any single event that causes an up or down in membership)


Last meeting's action items:

  • Send out a when is good and then schedule a follow up meeting. - Jamie
    • Jamie is going to send out a whenisgood soon to schedule this.
Action Item: Jamie
- Send Out a whenisgood to schedule the vision meeting

Board Responsibilities

Tabled at last meeting. How can we better support zone coordinators and officers? Many Board responsibilities are loosely defined, and responsibilities often get too spread out between seven people. Tabled again until next meeting.

Waiver Stations

Charlie would like to readdress the waiver station from several months ago.

  • Wants a "do not exceed" $500 budget ammendment with a target of $200 to implement a software-as-service, handicap accessible, digital waiver station.
  • Reoccuring costs of $15/month for the service
  • Contact with Leonard has not been made to see if the current system can be modified for desired needs
  • Charlie's option has a lot of other features he would like to see implemented which would take a lot of work to implement in our existing system.
  • System would be free for 30 days to try. No start-up costs outside of hardware.

New Business


  • Tony wants to talk about fundraising outside of membership dues
  • Leora and Charlie have started work on fundraising, but could definitely use help
  • Charlie likes hosting classes, which have generated a lot of money this year.
    • Lots of initial time spent preparing, should take less time to run again in the future.
  • Tony suggests having a set of like four classes that we have set up and are prepared to run without a lot work to set them up

Appointing Zone Coordinators


  • Classroom - Matt A would like to continue

Appoint Matt A as classroom coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Craft Room - Kevin is willing to continue, but would like to stop eventually. Jan is willing th continue.

Appoint Kevin and Jan as craft room coordinators

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • E-lab Nate wishes to continue, but would like a helper/co-coordinator

Appoint Nate B as E-Lab coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Fab Lab Andrew M wishes to continue, but would like a helper/co-coordinator

Appoint Andrew M as Fab lab coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Infrastructure Evan A wishes to continue, but would like a helper

Appoint Evan as Infrastructure coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Jan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Injection Molding - Matt A and Terry confirm Thad would like to continue

Appoint Thad as Injection Molding coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Lasers - Mike would like to continue but could use help

Appoint Mike F as laser cutter coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Machine Shop - Brandon would like to step down and Tony would like to step up to coordinate
    • Jan and Jamie are very happy with what Brandon has done in the machine shop this year

Appoint Tony S as machine shop coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Media Lab - Needs a new coordinator, and/or should we combine with compute zone? Turns out we shall-ish.

Appoint James as Media Lab and Compute Zone coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Mobile equipment storage
    • Should this still be a zone? Agreed that it should be part of the Commons.
  • Sky Zone - Joseph wishes to continue

Appoint Joseph as Sky Zone coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Tool Crib - Evan and Danny were on for 3 months temporary. Evan and Danny would like to continue.

Appoint Evan A and Danny M as Tool Crib coordinators

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Mike
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Vinyl - Charlie is interested in continuing.

Appoint Charlie R as Vinyl Zone coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Wiki - is this even a real zone? Apparently so.

Appoint Jamie as Wiki Zone coordinator

Moved by Evan, Seconded by Jan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS
  • Wood Shop - Greg and Dave would like to continue for the next year, but this is the last year.

Appoint Dave S and Greg S as Wood Shop co-coordinators

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Follow ups

  • Bike Zone - need a new coordinator
  • CNC Zone - no response
  • Jewelry - Skip and follow up with both Leora and Tanya
  • Kiln - Follow up with all potential 4 co-coordinators to figure it out
  • Treehouse - no response. Talk to Max.
  • Welding - No response, follow up with Jody.

Action Items

Action Item: Evan
- Follow up with zone coordinators who haven't responded.
Action Item: Mike
- Send out an email to members to ask for volunteers for new zone coordinators after Evan does his follow up.

Space & Zone Discussions

Floor Plan

Member Storage

Commons area

Last meeting's action items:

  • Define the Commons area zone and then send out to member list. - Mike

Evan did most of this.


Define the Commons Area to include:

  • Loading Bay
  • Foyer
  • Graveyard
  • Large Project Storage
  • Mobile Equipment Storage
  • Traditional "Commons" area bounded by Cinder block wall of classroom to H-Structure by Treehouse/Media Lab to Kilns Zone and Welding Zone
  • Fridges and vending machine "Snack Zone"
  • Storage shelves and walkways near water heater

Moved by David, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Alec would like to take on coodinating the Commons Area as defined above.


Appoint Alec as Commons Area coordinator

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Officer Reports

Treasury and Budget Report for Sept, 2016

  • Financial Grade: A-
  • Emergency: $10K Checking : $4.3K BNektar: $4.2K Paypal: $.3K Total: $18.8K
  • GM (Jamie) Donation of $200 came in. (Oct deposit)
  • $590 from Charlies Glass Class.
  • Maker Faire After Party Made: $886 Spent: $946 Esentially broke even.
  • No significant indication of Dues Revenue falloff. Q3 is approx Q1. Seasonal/month to month variation greater than any trend. Still on Budget for Income.


Budget Requests

  • Camera System Budget
    • Could budget for this if we cut some of the remaining big ticket items from the rest of the year's budget - Bridgeport, Front Door, and Sewer routing.
    • Since two requests have come in this month, this is a priority issue.


Remove the following budget items: Bridgeport, Front Door, Sewer routing
Budget up to $2000 to replace the existing camera system

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
6 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS


Things are pretty good. I am typing them here.


  • Popcorn tasting was a pretty good experiment last month
  • Ran an outreach class for the Hazel Park Public Library with a very good reception.
  • Exploring advertising on facebook and other social media
  • Quarterly Newsletter - designed for people who aren't i3 members or on any of our mailing lists
  • Wants to show new members how to set up email filtering
  • Wants to set up two classes something something he can braindumb the rest later.

Senior Vice President

  • Vivian still waiting to hear back from Patent Office to schedule a workshop
  • Will be hosting a small tinkercad workshop on Saturday

VP of Activities & Classes

  • So far gotten a few emails about setting up classes, but needs help filling out his role and responsibilities. Will work with James.

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Met with Nate, now has access to all the onboarding tools.
  • Worked through the backlog of potential members and everyone should have been followed up with now.
  • Will work with Charlie to work on the scholarship system
  • From evan: look at how people are working through the onboarding system, consider doing an audit the system as is, are we gaining or losing members?

VP of Membership-Retention

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • Conflict resolution workshop is coming up

Committee Reports

Moderation Committee

Scholarship Committee

Official details of scholarship are in the Bylaws.


Dissolve the scholarship committee and move scholarship duties to the VP of Membership-Onboarding

Moved by Jamie, Seconded by Evan
5 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Lost & Found Party

Action Items

Action ItemPOC
Ensure the position duties for officers are updated on the wiki in the How to pages.Mike
Follow up on wood shop and welding zone incidents to take some of the burden off the zone coordinatorsMatt A, Alec B, Tony S
Follow up with zone coordinators who haven't responded.Evan
Send out camera system update email to membership - 2 requests, system is unstable, new cameras are budgeted forMike
Send out an email to members to ask for volunteers for new zone coordinators after Evan does his follow up.Mike
Send Out a whenisgood to schedule the vision meetingJamie


ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Appoint Mike F as laser cutter coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Nate B as E-Lab coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Define the Commons Area to include:
  • Loading Bay
  • Foyer
  • Graveyard
  • Large Project Storage
  • Mobile Equipment Storage
  • Traditional "Commons" area bounded by Cinder block wall of classroom to H-Structure by Treehouse/Media Lab to Kilns Zone and Welding Zone
  • Fridges and vending machine "Snack Zone"
  • Storage shelves and walkways near water heater
Appoint Matt A as classroom coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Kevin and Jan as craft room coordinatorsJamieEvan50PASS
Appoint Joseph as Sky Zone coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Dissolve the scholarship committee and move scholarship duties to the VP of Membership-OnboardingJamieEvan50PASS
Appoint James as Media Lab and Compute Zone coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Remove the following budget items: Bridgeport, Front Door, Sewer routing
Budget up to $2000 to replace the existing camera system
Appoint Charlie R as Vinyl Zone coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Evan as Infrastructure coordinatorJamieJan60PASS
Appoint Evan A and Danny M as Tool Crib coordinatorsJamieMike60PASS
Appoint Thad as Injection Molding coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Jamie as Wiki Zone coordinatorEvanJan60PASS
Appoint Andrew M as Fab lab coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Tony S as machine shop coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Dave S and Greg S as Wood Shop co-coordinatorsJamieEvan60PASS
Appoint Alec as Commons Area coordinatorJamieEvan60PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 9:47 pm
  • Funds appropriated: +$2000 , -$6000
  • Attendees: 15


  1. Jamie
  2. Evan
  3. David
  4. Jan
  5. Terry
  6. Charlie
  7. Matt C
  8. Vivian
  9. Alec
  10. Tony
  11. Greg
  12. Kevin
  13. Nick
  14. James
  15. Matt A

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Board Meeting Minutes 20160927 Board Meeting Minutes 20161108