Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20141111
Agenda for 11-11-2014
Chair: Brian McPherson
No visitors
Bathroom is fixed (\o/)
- apparently had some piece of plastic stuck n the drain
- maybe adult diaper or part of costume
Old Business
Metal Shop Coordinator Appointment
Jon and Steampunk Steve are working on the shop
- new bandsaw maybe?
- Levi is interested in wardenship, but he needs to initiate contact.
- will do contact and report at next board meeting, hopefully for official board baptism by fire
Action Item: Levi - Initiate contact with prior metal shop wardens, metal shop users, and report results to the board
New Business
Budget Requests
Wood Shop Budget modifications
- POC: Greg
increase woodshop budget from $1300 to $2800 for the purpose of buying a new belt sander/disc sander that are of higher quality
- treasurer: no savings spent so far
- Nate moves, Evan Seconded
- Vote: 4 of 4 approve budget amendment, motion passes
- sidebar:
- Nate B: how much was replacing SawStop
- Greg: because it was flesh trip, user owes $90 for replacement blade
OpenEVSE Project
POC: Jamie
- 240v dedicated charger for electric vehicles at the space
- Members started, on their own time/budget
- Benefits to space
- Serves current and future EV owners who are members
- Might encourage EV owners to become members
- We can list it on PlugShare and ChargePoint, like free advertising
- Don't have to make it open to public (probably won't)
- Project has stalled because the first component, the PCB, will be tedious and take a long time to make, even though we have all the materials and could make it without spending any money
Add budget line item of $50 for EV charging board (Jamie is champion). Monies to be spent in two weeks only if EV board is not created by that time by EVSE team
- Embarrassment/shame based motivation
- Evan moves, Nate B seconds
- vote: 3 of 4 approve, 1 abstains, motion passes
Filter for Dake saw
POC: Charlie
- broken broken broken
- oh. and broken
- they're plastic, thus broken
- We need two more @$15 each
- Nate B: metal zone has consumables budget but no ZW so board is ZW
board delegates purchase of filters to charlie
infrastucture zone
POC: Evan
- Utilities such as power, network, air, gas, water are un-wardened and maintenance is handled solely by doocracy by a couple people who might care
Creation of a zone whose warden would be responsible for and the point of contact for the power, network, air, gas, water, and other necessary infrastructure as it is created in the space. Appointment of Evan allen as the first Zone Coordinator.
- Konrad: how would this conflict with CEO? Nate B: CEO involved for landlord interface when necessary
- Mike: ceo and infrastructure ZW aren't synonymous , individual duties can be figured out
- Terry: infrasctucture should include plans for future growth and improvement
- jamie: creating zone is useful even if there's no zw at the start
- Evan moves, Mike seconds
- 4 of 4 approve, motion passes
Action Item: Evan - Create Infrastructure Zone Wiki Page and make announcement on list
Living up to our 501c3 status
POC: Jamie
- we can do more of fulifilling our vision of being an educational resource. (3 point shot here)
- For example, we've gotten $1000 from Eaton to use for classes over the last 3 years and we haven't used it for the last couple years and that's shitty
- One good use that jamie proposes is classroom renovation, IE making the kitchen into a classroom
- we're losing groups (beaglebone) because its too loud
- we need a space for group discussion/learning that's viable
- Justin: we're not really ashamed
- Mate disagrees with the shame, we have lots of classes (i.e. new welder)
- Jamie: But we can do a lot more
- Are the Eaton guidelines really that strict: need to request information from brandon
- discussion is tabled after much debate
Action Item: Jamie - Make a proposal for classroom renovation for the next board meeting
Scholarship Committee
(actually took place at the end of the meeting because Nate forgot)
- nate b: scholarship monies, we have it but don't really do with it.
- Budget line item, the contact person is ... <dramatic tension builds> ... <add driving strings> ... there is no line item for scholarships.
- Scholarship program was approved in 2011, sets a cap on number of people on scholarship (about 15 right now)
- scholarship is basically free membership
- Scholarship committee is nate, ashley, jamie
- The program is actually being executed! Test subjects to start in December
Floor Plan Report
New section in meeting agenda, was requested last meeting
- Konrad: things are occupying space but no progress being made (waved at plasma cutter), need an update on things to keep things in motion
- Evan could act as floorplan liason since he's infrastructure ZW now
- Nate b: floorplan report should contain piechart of what % of sq feet goes to active zones vs abandoned projects
CNC Zone
- bate b: personal peeve: when bridgeport left cnc zone borderd weren't moved to adjust
- orange CNC is probably out of the zone and could be moved
Large Project Storage
Action Item: Terry - Get large project space taped down and re-established
Plasma Cutter
Evan: plasma cutter out by end of year
Forklift/Injection molder
- forklift being sold
- some stalled activity on injection molders
Member Storage
max: member storage is an issue for new members, we're out of spots
- We need a better way to store stuff
- Nate b: would making the underspace of vinyl zone a wheely-storage be useful? terry: most likely
- Evan: had a spot for a tub, didn't use it for a long time, got rid of it, kept in the car.
- Remembers the haunting tales whispered amongst the old-timer hackers of the REAPER, who would magically remove unused stuff from member storage and maybe occasionally eat a small child
- Nate b: for new members, what if there's a process wherein they become the reapers by calling members with an inch of dust on their stuff.
- needs appropriate guidance with resources and procedures
- making members who want storage to be the muscles in the process is decent
- max: new people already are somewhat intimidating, not many people would want to start out causing conflict
- perhaps with mentor?
- mentor program needs podiatric colonoscopy anyway
- max rants about mentor process
- mentor program needs podiatric colonoscopy anyway
Tabling of everything
Officer Reports
- Doing well
- Made $76 more than we spent in october
- September $1700 over
- august $6k over
- Amazon Smile is doing very well
- about $400 per year
- Konrad: firefox and chrome have "smile always" extensions that automatically take you there
- Paypal being investigated
- CRM back to fully functional, backlog is fixed \o/
we have to select a date in December for next years budget.
- Terry recommends a Thursday, or 90 minutes after a member or board meetings.
- wardens need to be there
- Terry recommends December 11th @ 7pm, instead of wiki wine workshop
Action Item: Terry - Confirm 2015 Budget meeting date with wardens and announce meeting to general membership
Membership Coordinator
Membership numbers
- active 148
- 25 on leave
- 118 voting members
Open Board Position
- Sent email to 12 board nominees from September
- 7 will run again
- 3 have declined to run again
- 2 have not responded yet
- Member Survey should be sent out Wednesday, 11/12 & close on 11/19
- Board Discussion/Vote will be conducted via email
- Did survey last time, no more analysis
- siemens class with henry ford on solidedge as "educational happy hour" whatever that means
- unclear whether hosting at i3 or henry ford
Vice President
you find all zero traps
- Bathroom status: Fixed (THE POOP MUST FLOW!)
- Round of Applause for CEOs quick response
Action Items
Action Item | POC |
Create Infrastructure Zone Wiki Page and make announcement on list | Evan |
Make a proposal for classroom renovation for the next board meeting | Jamie |
Confirm 2015 Budget meeting date with wardens and announce meeting to general membership | Terry |
Initiate contact with prior metal shop wardens, metal shop users, and report results to the board | Levi |
Get large project space taped down and re-established | Terry |
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:55pm Eastern
- Funds appropriated: $1350
- Attendees: 20
Previous Meeting | Next Meeting |
Board Meeting Minutes 20141014 | Board Meeting Minutes 20141209 |