Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20131112
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Chair Justin Triplett
Action Item Review
Budget Zone
Miter Saw
- Wood Shop needs a blade for the miter saw - cost $110
- Do we need a vote for that?
- Consensus is no.
- Treasurer said anything zone expenditures under $200 per month is ok for now.
- We are currently reevaluating the i3 accounts, and the dues income isn't as high as was projected in August.
- Money saved on budget items does not stay with the zone for other expenses - the money goes back to the general i3 fund
Kiln Zone Repair
- Kiln Zone on re-budgeting consumables - Terry W.
- Costs of operation and use of consumables change a little every year
- Unexpected repairs are sometimes necessary, Kiln zone needs to repair some bricks
- Can budgeted money be used for repairs in lieu of the original plan for the money, i.e.
- Delay the purchase of new tools?
- Divert funds mean for consumables?
- The Board needs to weigh in on reclassification of funds for larger expenditures - Mark Miles.
- We need to have a more serious discussion about this later
- Discussion of diverting funds is closely related to other issues with i3's accounting and records of i3 assets
- Consumables should be separately budgeted than repairs or other investments
- In this case, the Wood Shop is seeking to use consumable funds for a consumable (miter saw blade).
- Kiln zone repair re-budgeting is not necessary to handle tonight.
Zone Costs
- Costs of using a zone should be measured by Coordinators and reported as a recommendation to members as a donation for using the area
- Not for a particular tool, but for the use of the area - Mark Miles
CNC Zone and Floor Plan
- Tool crib, robotics zone, and CNC Zones moved around.
- A new wall and workbench-whiteboard area has
- Board is responsible for maintaining the floor plan
- We bring this up in case there are any issues with the new layout
- In the past things have been moved around; do first ask forgiveness later
- Is this ok? - Justin T.
- If it's a question, then maybe it is a bad thing. -Nate B.
- What happens you do something and don't get forgiveness.
- The board should tell you to undo what you did.
- Current procedure in bylaws? standing rules?
- This may need to be more clear, in the bylaws or standing rules.
- Any one board member may approve changed to the floor plan
- Actually, we already have a clear definition of the process standing rules
Johnny Franklin Gizmo
- Weird pneumatic gizmo donated, and the guy wants a tax receipt for it - Nate B.
- See donation the form on Wiki here
- In regards to the budget, we need to document the process for donation receipts because they need to be recorded as assets at fair market value
- This will be important for our records in case of an IRS audit
- Determining fair market value
- Anything above 5000 or 50000? needs to be appraised?
- Goodwill takes boxes of stuff without requiring value
- CNC could not be tax-deducted because it's value was depreciated by the previous company of ownership
Laser Ducting and Equipment Documentation
- Member spent money for the ducting and helped install it
- They would like to remove the ducting if they leave
- Andrew M will be installing a new ducting and a new vent system - Nate B.
- Laser cutters would be down for an indefinite amount of time
- Equipment loaning form - Terry W.
- This is how we're supposed to manage it
- We haven't been using this and that's a problem
- When is that happening? We don't know, if at all.
- According to Wikipedia, parts connected to the building structure are fixtures and legally part of the building.
- We could legally keep it if we choose.
- We don't want to piss people off. Is it worth it?
- No equipment documentation exists for the vacuum former.
- Is it owned by i3?
- This should be clarified
- How do we do that?
- Forms about original donation?
- No one can ever use a tax-deducted item to their personal benefit
Solicited Donations
- What is required for organizations that solicit funds
- Questions?
- Does any one have an idea of i3's status registered with the state as a charitable organization
- We are 501c3 Federally, and registered as a non-profit in the state
- Charitable organization is a separate form
- State website for looking up charitable organization registrations does not list i3, however it is not definitive.
- Does any one have an idea of i3's status registered with the state as a charitable organization
- Does i3 want this to be an official i3 project?
- We would need to be able to pass an audit to do this
- We currently do not have standards for our accounts or safety - Mark Miles
- This place would change so much to meet requirements of being auditable that we would not like it anymore
- If we can show that we would not be responsible for an audit, then consensus is that we should make Stratocube an official i3 project.
Online Metrics
- To improve our credibility as a group of technically skilled people - Matt Oehrlein
- To protect the world from devastation, to unite all peoples within our nation...
- So that people could put i3 on their resume, and at least locally, have it be something positive and valuable to a potential employer
- Lets measure this by web metrics
- Goal of trying to double our Google analytics score by one year from now
- Improve Facebook reach score
- Ideas for a better way?
- If you have ideas come to Matt. He may or may not do them depending on how much help you're willing to give and how hard it's going to be
- Things that help
- Showcasing!
- Blog posts of new projects - what are all the cool things that we do
- Meet the member posts - show how talented our members are
- Documenting projects is important to let people know how awesome we are
- There are other people who are professionals at PR, talk to them, there's more than just improving the i3 website - Terry W.
- Is there any concern that member posts may give the impression that i3 is full of super hackers and that it might discourage people who are new to hacking? - Matt Oehrlein
Motion to Ban Mario C.
- Continuing by email
- Personal items owned by Mario that are in the Wood Shop or other areas of the space
- Find a member liaison who can communicate to Mario and work this out
- No problems unless the liaison has an active member supervising
- Clarification: We do not want Mario to return to i3, the liaison will do that.
Matt on the Podcast
- Matt made us look great with what sounded like 3 drunk men on the podcast. - Maddy Winans
Action Items
- Dave Scholl and Mark Miles - send a message to Coordinators to clarify how budgeted money for consumables should be spent.
- Matt Arnold - Present a new floor plan next month to represent the changes made for the new CNC machine
- Mark Miles - look into how to determine fair market value
- Maddy Winans - Contact Nate Warnick to determine ownership of vacuum former
- Nate Bezanson - Do something with the Home Depot Account
- Scott Richardson - Call up MI state to check that i3 is registered as a charitable organization, and if not, get i3 registered
- Scott Richardson - Clarify whether we would be auditable if there were any official Stratocube affiliation
- Konrad Brown - Post documentation of the board vote on the Motion to Revoke Membership for NW.