Membership Proposal 20120410 Camera Policy
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This page contains historical information. It is provided for reference but does not reflect current information or policy. |
THIS POLICY WAS OBSOLETED ON 11/17/15. SEE Section 12 in Standing Rules.
- Proposed on mailing list 2012-04-10.
- Passed by email, vote in thread
- Camera placements proposed: Board_Meeting_Minutes_20121113
- Camera placements voted on (slightly modified list than in the above link): Membership_Proposal_20121115_Allow_Placement_of_Cameras
- Board erroneously appointed the whole board to be the Group-A reviewers: Board_Meeting_Minutes_20130910
- Membership appointed Ted and Adrienne to be the group-B reviewers: Meeting_Minutes_20131001
- Board then appointed Devon and Marie to be the group-A reviewers: Board_Meeting_Minutes_20140408
i3 Detroit Camera Policy:
All cameras that operate unattended in the space may be used, subject to the following restrictions, to record the activities about the space for the limited purpose of protecting the membership by allowing the investigation of actual or suspected wrongdoing.
Applicability: These rules apply to all video cameras placed about the space for any period of time.
Locations: Video cameras may only be used in areas approved by a majority vote of the General Membership. Any such video camera must be placed in a conspicuous manner.
Offline Recording & Access: Video cameras may only send video to the approved, limited-access Recording Station. Both the video cameras and the Recording Station must remain isolated from any network so that neither the live or recorded video may be accessed by anyone without physical access. This rule specifically forbids the unattended use of internet-connected cameras.
Limited-Access Policy: To protect member privacy, recorded video may only be reviewed for the purpose of investigating actual or suspected wrongdoing or accidents. To prevent abuse of this rule, only a limited group of individuals may authorize access to recorded video. These individuals are either members of (1) Group A, two individuals chosen by the Board; or (2) Group B, two individuals chosen by the General Membership and not already chosen by the Board. Before any recorded video is reviewed, at least one member from both Group A and Group B must authorize the review and be present during the entire review process.
Data Retention: The video may not be retained for longer than a period of one year, unless the applicable footage is, or is anticipated to be, under active investigation or other legal process.
These policies may not be amended or altered without notifying the membership
Physical Security: To prevent unauthorized access to the recorded video, physical access to the Recording Station is restricted to the members of Group A and Group B as further described below. The Recording Station must be physically secured with two locks that prevent access to the recorded video. The first lock’s keys may only be possessed by members of Group A and second lock’s keys may only be possessed by members of Group B. Both a member from Group A and Group B must be present from the time the Recording Station is accessed and stay until it is re-secured.
Audit Requirements: Members have the right to know how the Recording Station and its recorded video are being accessed. Tamper-evident, numbered seals must be conspicuously placed on the Recording Station in such a way that the seal is broken whenever the Recording Station is accessed. Anyone accessing the Recording Station must (1) Replace the tamper-evident tag with a new one; (2) Notify the General Membership through the general electronic mailing list. The notification to the General Membership must contain the following information: The tamper-evident seal number, access date and time, individuals accessing the video (including members from Group A and Group B), date and time of the video being reviewed, and the purpose for reviewing the video.