Meeting Minutes Template

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This is used by Minutes Bot to generate minutes. Do not change the date format here even though it's wrong.

== Meeting Location ==
'''Meeting was Called to Order At: XXXXXXXXX'''
and at i3Detroit

=== Hybrid Meeting Etiquette=== 
* Be excellent.
* Attendance and voting can be found in the #meetings slack channel.
* Please show up early if you are concerned about your audio.
* If there is no one waiting to speak feel free to do so at the next opportunity.
* If there is someone waiting to speak, please say that you are raising your hand in the google call chat. (This will be demonstrated)
* Please refrain from other side conversations, these can be distracting for the rest of the meeting and make it difficult for the chair to keep track of what's going on.
* If you're in the space remember that having a single person speaking at a time is helpful for those attending online.

==== What does being excellent at i3 mean ====
An experienced member explains what being excellent at i3 means to them

====Experienced Members====
* n/a

====New Members & Guests====
* n/a

==Show and Tell==
* n/a

==Old Business==
* n/a

===Outstanding Action Items===

==New Business==
===Upcoming Events===
*Volunteers to host upcoming Friday tours?
*Up coming Events [[Calendar]]

===Example Topic===
* n/a

==Zone updates==
===[[:Category:Automotive_Zone|Automotive Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[Bicycle Shop]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Ceramics Zone|Ceramics Zone]]===
* n/a

* n/a

===[[:Category:CNC_Shop|CNC Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Commons Area|Commons Area]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Craft Room|Craft Room]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Electronics Lab|Electronics Lab]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Fab Lab|Fab Lab]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Glass Zone|Glass Zone]]===
* n/a

* n/a

===[[Injection Molding Shop|Injection Molding]]===
* n/a

===[[Jewelry Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Kitchen Zone|Kitchen Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Laser Cutter|Laser Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[Leather Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Machine Shop|Machine Shop]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Media Lab|Media Lab]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Sewing_Zone|Sewing Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Tool Crib|Tool Crib]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Vinyl Shop|Vinyl Zone]]===
* n/a

===[[:Category:Welding Area|Welding Zone]]===
* n/a

* n/a

===[[:Category:Wood Shop|Wood Shop]]===
* n/a

* n/a

* n/a

===[[Letterpress Special Interest Group (SIG)|Letterpress]]===
* n/a

* n/a

===[[Combat Robotics]]===
* n/a

* n/a


Broom Party!


=Meeting Metrics=
<!-- Need to fill out these manually -->
* Time completed:
* Attendees:

# Chair
# Secretary

{{MeetingMinutesNavigation | Member Meeting Minutes}}

[[Category:Member Meeting Minutes]]