DoAll Band Saw

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DoAll Band Saw
Doall V36 band saw (scale picture).jpeg
Name DoAll Band Saw
Zone Machine Shop

Owner i3Detroit
Make Model DoAll V36
Part Number
Date Acquired 2016-02
Storage Location Machine Shop
Authorization Required No
Status Running
Value $1500

Documentation Instruction Manual

Repair Manual

Other References




1) Adjust the saw guide using the two knobs on the back of the overhead section. Guide should be approximately 1 inch higher than the work. Doall saw guide adjustment.jpg

2) Use the wheel on the front of the overhead section to find correct speed for material and thickness. Doall Speeds&Feeds.jpg

3) While the band saw is off use the L shaped lever near the wall to select either high or low gear. It only rotates counterclockwise and should always be horizontal. Doall Gear&throttle.jpg

4) While band saw is on use the wheel and speedometer to adjust to the correct setting. Doall Speed Indicator.jpg

5) Do not force. Depending on material and thickness band saw may cut slow. Forcing will only derail the blade.

Maintenance Info


165" long blade

Current blade info:
Source: Production Tool Supply -
Teeth: 18tpi
Width: 3/4"
Material: Carbon steel


The following are the Gates part numbers. This info is also listed on the data plate on the machine.

Motor Variable: 3320 (changed on 6-22-2018)
Speed indication: 1440
Variable Transmission: 3510
Air Pump: 2260



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