Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20130611
i3Detroit Board Meeting
June 11, 2013
Chair: Ted Hansen
New Member
Treasury Report
Adrienne- Finances through the month of May- we bought a lot of stuff 5345.84 total income, we bought all of nick's tools last month and the stop saw, but that's ok, we are still doing really good.
Funds for Maker Faire after Party (Brodie)
hire a bar tender- if handling alcohol.
Fundraisers- Donations. Brodie is to come up with a proposal on how much and present it at the next meeting to the group Woodshop funding(Greg Smith) I'm into about $150 so far, but we have at least another couple hundred dollars to go for little things.
Funds will be allocated to Greg smith not to exceed $250 for purchase of items for the wood shop.
Membership Co-ordinator (Marie)
what needs to be done to create this position?
What are the duties of the treasurer and secretary
Brodie will re-write the proposal to have the secretary delegate. And board will vote on it at the end of the meeting
Does it belong in the standing rules or does it belong in the bylaws?
Board voted in this new position as a voted in member every term; by mutual consensus, Marie will be the first to "own" this position
Metalshop (Brian W.)
Brian W- So Steve H is leaving so that’s going to leave a giant vacuum(nate b - that sucks!) in the metal shop with nick’s tools missing and steve’s tools missing. I assume we still want to have a metal shop.
Roger- make a list of tools and rough prices, with a budget, bring it to us, and we will approve it and we can just do it.
Brian - modified; the give and take, you buy big tools and not so many accessories; i don’t feel comfortable making these decisions for the membership. I would feel more comfortable with a group.
Roger- i would like the group of people to bring a proposal to the board so we can just authorize it and we can just do it. so we don’t have to vote on each purchase.
Nate B - this is a question about if the membership wants to own more tools.
Opinions are shared about purchasing the tools for the metal shop. overall consensus is that we should be purchasing tools. But we should put things up to the membership to see if anyone has anything to donate first.
Brian is to present a proposal within a working group.
Adrienne- we have some money to spend! Let's spend it on tools!
Review of ideas for Vision/ Mailing list improvement (Roger/brodie/ALL)
‘’’I3 Bylaws (Greg Smith)’’’
Greg - there is nothing abotu the CEO in the WIKI
Eric M- there is a blurb from the 2011 election.
Board needs to create a description of document officers in the wiki. Duties, names and rules and responsibilities
Shop Rule Page - Should be the standing rules.
Delegate zone wardens to set down zone rules?
The wiki needs revamping (Karen and Ed will work on this after the meeting)
Mailing list (TED)
WHEREAS: the purpose of the mailing list is to convey information to the entire membership:
Messages to the mailing list should have some relevance to a significant portion of the membership. A message from one member to another is not appropriate.
Every message on the mailing list goes to more than 100 people. Excessive messages with minimal content are not appropriate. If you wouldn't interrupt a room full of 100 people with your idea, then you should think twice before sending it to the mailing list.
The language and tone on the mailing list reflects on the entire organization. Hostility and excessive criticism, however well founded, is not appropriate.
HEREBY The board will appoint moderators for the mailing list, and may force the whole list into moderation at any time to maintain decorum.
Opinions are shared about the mailing list. Proposal needs to be tweeked.the moderators will be responsible for agreeing on a set of standards of which messaged need to be moderated.
Board members 5 in favor with the amended discussed changes.
Roger reads Matt O’s Vision
i3 Detroit should be a renown collective of high-potential, capable, driven people known for impressive projects, creative breakthroughs, and publicized work. When a local city has a parade, they should be engaging us to make a float. And, we should do it. When festivals happen, we should be getting asked to have a presence there though an installation, make-and-take, or educational activity. And, we should do it. We should be asked to attend TEDxDetroit and ignite. And, we should do it. Local media outlets should be blogging, tweeting, publishing about the latest accomplishment, or creation that has come from the bright minds at i3 Detroit.
People should want to be part of i3 Detroit because they know it will enrich their lives. It won't be just a place to fix their broken printer, it will be a place where they can unlock their full potential as a maker/hacker/creator. It will be a place where they can be part of something bigger. If someone wants to join, they should demonstrate a desire and a drive to do something great. We shouldn't turn away people who don't have a huge set of well-honed skills, but we should turn away people who have no desire to develop well-honed skills. People should have to really "get it" to be part of i3 Detroit. When people become members, they become family. Members should be able to trust each-other, find inspiration in each-other, and unlock potential within each-other.
Our outward image should represent a collective of people who demonstrate an intense commitment to process of learning and applying, and to cultivate and inspire that same commitment in the community. i3 Detroit members should be seen as role models to people who want to create. Members should to be able to put i3 Detroit on their resume and have it carry significant weight. Employers should see this and go "Wow! You're a member of i3? I've heard about you guys. You must be a very creative, capable person!"
need to create a small group to talk about vision
Mission statement-- it’s gotta be who we are and where we are going.
It’s not critical at this time- we can table this and have further discussion outside of the board meeting.
Adrienne new Business
Setting up the thing to see how much electricity we are using vs. B nektar. Ted will show adrienne.
End; 8:40pm
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