Minutes:Meeting Minutes 20141007
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Meeting Minutes 20121106 | Meeting Minutes 20100615 |
Chair Justin Triplett
- New member- his name is Lou, he's very new, he's wearing blue!
- Keegan-new member, from cranbrook art academy
- Dave and Greg are wood shop warden
- Randy Goddard - visitor/potential member, taught classes here before,
Old Business
Add "Meet a Zone Coordinator" to the new member process Nate BAdd MotorSports to the meeting minutes template, also the Action Item Query JamieDevelop a project information template Terry- Completed. Posted to list. https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/i3detroit/ewDpaQjAKLg
Put up training documentation eventually Matt Arnold & Greg- Andrew apologizes to Konrad and they bro-hug (awwww!)
- Wiki wine workshop this thursday to help wardens clean up their training lists
- Terry's going to set up a warden pow-wow
Action Item: Mike - Finish the tour and put up documentation
Action Item: Maddy - Order new T-Shirts
Action Item: Jim - Make thread on EZC a more fleshed-out proposal
Action Item: Jody - Update status of Grey Monster auction
Show and Tell
- Bragosaurus Rex! - made by Mike Fink
- "Paleontologists are Bad to the Bone."-Max
- Max is punished for that remark.
- "Paleontologists are Bad to the Bone."-Max
New Business
CRM Tiger Team Report
- Andrew is updating the CRM this coming monday
- The Sodatastic Six is debating the future of the CRM, and if we want to keep Seltzer or move to something else
Plasma Cutter Report
- Konrad: owner wants to sell the plasma cutter either to us or to someone else
- He put a lot of work to assemble it, but is no longer a member
- Owner is looking for around $3000
Action Item: Konrad, Jim, and Levi - Bring proposal to board to buy machine
Bathroom Report
- Men's bathroom urinal is still out of order
Action Item: Nathan W - Fix the urinal before the Halloween party
AHA open house
- They are a 501c3, we went to celebrate with them at their open house a couple weeks ago
- Tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 6th
Officer Elections
- Starting right after the meeting
- Electronic Voting open now through next Tuesday
Zone updates
Bike Zone
- Bike racks on the ceiling are temporary, shouldn't be used as permanent bike storage
CNC Zone
Zone has been pretty busy!
- new software (HSM, a plugin for masterCam)
- member Adam is making an electronic keyboard and entering it into a contest
- Someone else made a progressive die for 3D printer nozzles
- CNC discussion nights are moved to the first tuesday of the month, right after the membership meeting
Compute Zone
- Still working on getting desks for the 1337 lounge
Craft Room
- Mask making class last weekend and this coming weekend
- Max played with the 3Doodler and made a pretty cobweb
E Lab
- new parts are being replenished, thanks for telling the ZW when you need more parts!
- Incident with soldering irons burning through plastic
Fab Lab
- Training classes on the machines are by request, contact ZW to get training
- ZW is planning to have a class on every machine sometime in october
Injection Molding
- Windsor hackforge folks are interested in working with it or buying it-contact Nate B
Kiln Zone
- All 3 kilns 100% UP.
- Class in Sept., well attended
- Did Road Class at The Henry Ford.
- Area clean and organized. New materials are IN. More tools are IN.
- Molds and clay are available to make whatever shape glass you want! *applause*
Laser Zone
- Laser door's gas lift springs are still broken- use the high-tech stick to prop the door oopen
- In process of ordering new parts
- Contact ZW to get training OR to become a trainer
Metal Shop
- None of the three wardens are here
- Brandon is a very helpful semi-expert in the metal shop! *applause*
Sky Zone
- Call for lighting. The SkyZone is now accepting proposals for lighting the common area. Please provide a brief description of your design, budget, and installation requirements to baumannjw@gmail.com by November 15th. All plans will be considered, final board/general member vote for funding approval will determine implementation.
- Installing more power cord reels on the ceiling, how many more, what spacing, how many available circuits? Please insert attendees opinions here.
Tool Crib
- Charlie spent money!
- You can get a brand new drill bit if you chip in a dollar
- Video Training?!
Tree House
- Max is constantly theoretically painting things
- Max will ask for a Beautification Budget at the next board meeting!
Vinyl Zone
- Zone warden not here
Welding Zone
- Handheld plasma cutter is inbound
- it needs strong compressed air to run
- Nothing broken or empty, yay!
- Grey Monster and Hobart are going to auction
Wood Shop
- Watch for parking tickets
i3 MotorSports
- "Fact-finding" mission at Kart 2 Kart this Sunday!
- Totally going to put up an antenna on the roof this winter. Totally.
- First SIG meeting last month
- Considering buying a letterpress, but dust may be a concern
Action Items
Action Item | POC |
Make thread on EZC a more fleshed-out proposal | Jim |
Fix the urinal before the Halloween party | Nathan W |
Finish the tour and put up documentation | Mike |
Bring proposal to board to buy machine | Konrad, Jim, and Levi |
Update status of Grey Monster auction | Jody |
Order new T-Shirts | Maddy |
Broom Party
Meeting Metrics
- Time completed: 8:45
- Funds appropriated: $0
- Attendees: 28