Minutes:Board Meeting Minutes 20180710

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Agenda for 07-10-2018

Chair: Alec

Officer Reports



Member income: 6,377.97
classes income: (34.03)
laser income: 20.00
tshirt income: 75.00
Total income: 6,438.94
Rent & utilities (49.64)
Shop supplies: (154.50)
Postage: (7.30)
Total Expenses: (211.44)
Net for June: 6,227.50
Bank balance 47,618.11
Emergency Fund (30,000.00)
Net 17,618.11

Just like last month, there was a timing issue so this month so the Net amount is higher than normal.


Mel could use some help updating the wiki with information from zone coordinators and following up with still missing info. Have created a drive folder with all the info I have now that isn't already in the wiki. When I get volunteers, I'll share it.


Nothing to report


  • Continuting to work on the i3 & University of Michigan School of Social Work collaboration.

Senior Vice President

  • Jamie is planning to put out a survey regarding accessibility of the space, especailly regarding members with disabilities. Looking for things that are problems and also things we're doing well. This came up in discussion regarding having stair accessible upper levels, removing floor level storage plots, etc. Expected to be sent out in about 2 weeks.

VP of Activities & Classes

  • Not many activities with the holiday.
  • Budgeting class has been schedueld for 8/4.

VP of Membership-Onboarding

  • Two more new members in the past two weeks since the last meeting.
  • Matt could use assistance with onboarding, if you're interested send him an email.

VP of Membership-Member Advocate

  • Has been a complaint about some messages on the mailing list being more advertisement-y.

Old Business

Summary of Board List/Slack Discussions since last meeting

  • Not much new in the past 2 weeks.

New Business

Treasurer Budget Request

Treasurer requests $50 for a one year license for Quickbooks accounting software. Still not convinced it's the greatest choice of all possible choices, but it's cheap and will work for a year, and we seem to have some gung ho people who want to do some major updates to the CRM, so we can evaluate again after that is done.

Allocate $50 for Quickbooks software
Moved by Joseph, Seconded by Tony
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Kiln Zone Coordinators

Appoint Sam Letvin and Jody Raiford as the Kiln Zone co-coordinators for ceramics and glass respectively through August 2018.
Moved by Jody, Seconded by Tony
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Fire Marshall Visit

  • POC: Joseph

The fire marshal was called upon to discuss whether or not i3 could have an effective 'barrel fire' outside for a reductive pottery firing technique. He stated that once we received permission from our landlord and filled out a residential burn application he would issue the desired permit.

In building friendly relationships, he was offered a tour where he offered cursory recommendations for our own improvement. It is my advice that we address these issues in the next thirty days to establish ourselves as good members of the Ferndale business community, and further build a positive relationship with his office. His suggestions were as follows:

  1. Fire extinguishers are out of test, retest and they must ALL be independently hung and facing outward toward a path, 4 inches off a floor, no more than 48", not sitting on a shelf.
  2. No storage within 24 inches of the ceiling (not the metal joist, but the corrugated metal) *cough cough elab overflow/party supplies* To clarify, that means things must be below the rafters.
  3. No extension cords powering anything long term (this is everywhere... He didn't see most of it)
  4. Illuminated emergency exit sign over hallway actual... I didn't follow this one but make the man happy.
  • Jody: What led to this call to begin with?
  • Joseph: As part of the Maker Faire mixer (afterparty) there is a planned 'barrel fire' Raku ceramics firing outside.
  • Joseph is willing to head the efford to fix these issues but needs some volunteers, and asks for $100 exit sign and other signage.
Allocate $100 for Joseph to spend on an illuminated exit sign and other materials to satisfy the fire marshal
Moved by Joseph, Seconded by Tony
7 Ayes / 0 Nays
Result: PASS

Meeting Metrics

  • Time completed: 8:05
  • Funds appropriated: $150
  • Attendees: 23

Action Item Summary

No action items.

Proposal Summary

ProposalMoved BySeconded ByAyeNayResult
Allocate $50 for Quickbooks softwareJosephTony70PASS
Allocate $100 for Joseph to spend on an illuminated exit sign and other materials to satisfy the fire marshalJosephTony70PASS
Appoint Sam Letvin and Jody Raiford as the Kiln Zone co-coordinators for ceramics and glass respectively through August 2018.JodyTony70PASS


  1. Alec B
  2. Mike F
  3. Roger S
  4. Joseph B
  5. Tony S
  6. Ruth S
  7. Ross S
  8. James F
  9. Lewis D
  10. Paul L
  11. Martin P
  12. Matt C
  13. Matt H
  14. Mel G
  15. Mark F
  16. Jan H
  17. David H
  18. Jody R
  19. Jamie B
  20. Sam L =)
  21. Vivian S
  22. Paul F
  23. Gary G

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