Categories: Classes

Test Event Test Post

I am testing to see if a new way of doing eventbrite. If this works we will have a local copy of all of the events we have and it will be integrated into our website non-shittily.

I am quite frankly suprised that this doesn’t break our website like the last attempt.

Also, Please don’t register for this event. I really don’t want to have to issue refunds and be bugged by a bunch of emails.

We keep people on our site. (Which means that we can link to our own damn site and be a strong independent hackerspace)
We can simplify creating a class. (Just write up a blag post and the leadership could do the hard part (creating eventbrite, advertisements))
I don’t have to figure out EB’s API. (If you are willing to do it please let me know.)

We end up with a bunch of iframes on our blog. (EB could disappear and we could have to fix things)
