
LAN PARTY – March 1st 7pm

March 1st 7 pm until the sun comes up.

 A LAN party is a temporary gathering of people with computers or compatible game consoles, between which they establish a local area network (LAN), primarily for the purpose of playing multiplayer video games.

Come hang out, bring a computer with the games below installed, or bring a console and a few games (Usually some classic systems show up and some mario kart 64 gets going for a few hours) Sega, dreamcast, N64.

SWiT will be demoing an Oculus Rift with a Razer Hydra for Halfelife2 VRMod and the Crashland demo. If you have a Rift bring it and we’ll try some VR deathmatch.

We’ll probably pickup a few pizzas at some point, Pop is always onsite in the fridge $0.50, Energy drinks available too.


7:00 Starcraft 2: Warmup Go to download and install tonight.. It may take a while to install.
7:30 Starcraft 2: All out battles!
9:00 DOTA2
10:30 TF2
00:00(Midnight) Games of choice till dawn

Meet the Members: Paul Kerchen

The Chicken Tractor

When did you join i3 Detroit:

August 2010

What have you worked on at i3:
  • Wall-E vertical carousel
  • Dollhouse furniture
  • Wireless quiz gadgets (for GGHC)
  • Treasurer
What is your next project:
  • Wireless package delivery detector.
  • Tune bugs: stand-alone electronic devices that generate different tunes depending on the proximity of other tune bugs.
  • Treasure chest with electronic combination lock.
  • Rope bridge over creek, zip line between barn and pond (at home, not i3 🙂 ),
  • Coffee table jukebox
  • A mechanical iris installed in the door of my shed

Best i3 Detroit Memory:

The first Potlock, where we worked together to improve the space in one long night of cutting, drilling and eating.

Ferndale DIY Street Fair – 9/18 & 9/19

It’s hard to believe that just last year we were driving around the cupcake car at the DIY Street Fair and trying to get people to be interested in i3 Detroit.  Forward 365 days and we are being invited to the event to host a kids Make n’ Take.

Why not take a commercial product that kids are currently obsessed with and show them how to make them.  At the fair, we will be attempting to make silly bandz out of silicone, foam molds and some coloring.  In theory the process will work, but we only tested it last night.  🙂   The bonus is it’s free for the kids to try.

Come check out the event Sat – Sun (9/18 – 9/19) from 12 – 6.  There will be art, bands and food.  i3 Detroit will be located in the kids section and will also have the twinkie car and maybe some other surprises.

Hope to see you there.

Offical Maker Faire After Party!

Well here we are finally! The weekend we have all been working towards for weeks and months. i3 Detroit is proud to announce that we are holding the official after party for Maker Faire Detroit 2010. We have a lot of friends in town from other hackerspaces across Canada and the US so what better way to celebrate Maker Faire and all of us being in Detroit together than to throw a party. We would like to invite you and all of your friends to come out to i3 Detroit this Saturday July 31st 2010 to i3 Detroit for drinks, snacks, live DJ and great company.

Make sure you come prepared for great conversation and people!

Where: i3 Detroit – 1481 Wordsworth Ferndale, MI 48220

When: Saturday, July 31st 10PM-3AM

Free|21+|Live DJ| Great Company

i3Detroit gets Red Rolled!

Red Green visits i3 Detroit tomorrow.   Everyone is welcome to come at 11:00 AM to meet Red Green in person and his 16ft statue!

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s to come!

Never gonna Red you up,

Never gonna Red you down

Never gonna run around and desert you…

Red Rolled! from I3 Detroit on Vimeo.