
OctoberLan 2014 – Oct 11,1pm

lan party

 A LAN party is a temporary gathering of people with computers or compatible game consoles, between which they establish a local area network (LAN), primarily for the purpose of playing multiplayer video games.

Come hang out, bring a computer with the games below installed, or bring a console and a few games (Usually some classic systems show up and some mario kart 64 gets going for a few hours) Sega, dreamcast, N64.


We’ll probably pickup a few pizzas at some point, Pop is always onsite in the fridge $0.50,

Schedule – expect to change, check back 

12:00 Warm up sessions
1:30 TF2
3:00 DOTA2
5:00 Foods
5:30  Candy Crush
6:00 Warcraft 3
7:30 Retro
9:00 Mario Party
10:00 CS:S
11:30 Gauntlet
00:00(Midnight) Games of choice till dawn

WinterLAN 2013

The annual WinterLAN is upon us once again!!

On January 12th, i3 Detroit will be hosting the Fourth annual i3 WinterLAN Social event, starting Saturday at noon and ending when the sun comes up on Sunday.

The event will be all about games – BYOC (Bring your own computer) gaming, Board gaming, and tabletop RPG.

The i3Detroit common space will be set up for computer gaming with plenty of power, tables, and chairs. The loft will sport a projector hooked up for console gaming (Got a vintage console you can bring?). Board games will take place in any of our multiple rooms.

If you have any kind of game people will enjoy, bring it, bring yourself, and bring your thirst for gaming. See you then!



*Unreal Tournament 99 – Can be found cheap $5-10
*Fear Combat – $Free
*CS:S CounterStrike:Source – $19.99
*TF2 – Team Fortress 2 – $19.99
*Quake Live – $Free
*L4D2 – $49.99
*WCIII BattleChest – $19.99
and more…


*Console gaming & relaxing area
*NES, if someone brings one.
*Sega, if someone brings one.
*NeoGeo, if you bring one ;)

Whiteboard room projector

*RockBand/Guitar Hero

Workshop Tables

*Board Games*

What do people have available?
Settlers of Catan?
If you have a game people will enjoy, bring it!!

2nd annual WinterLAN coming up: 1-15-11

Save the date! On January 15th,  i3 Detroit will be hosting the second annual i3 WinterLAN Social event, starting Saturday at noon and ending when the sun comes up on Sunday.

The event will be all about games – BYOC (Bring your own computer) gaming, Board gaming, and tabletop RPG.

The i3Detroit common space will be set up for computer gaming with plenty of power, tables, and chairs.  The loft will sport a projector hooked up for console gaming (Got a vintage console you can bring?).  Board games will take place in any of our multiple rooms.

If you have any kind of game people will enjoy, bring it, bring yourself, and bring your thirst for gaming.  See you then!

I3 Detroit Game Day

Gamer Geek Tabletop gaming has been a great way for friends to get together face-to-face, socialize and have fun since prehistoric times.  Now, with advances in technology that allow realistic, high-excitement thrills on a TV or computer screen, people are spending much less time in actual contact with other humans.

While advances in gaming technology have created some pretty amazing games for individuals to play on their computers and consoles, according to a recent bingo cash review, our social skills are on the decline.  Spend some time with other people; a good game of Risk is often still the best way to game while enjoying the direct company of others.  Or, if a game of Scrabble is more to your taste, it will broaden your vocabulary and you’ll make friends a lot better than you will with even the best FPS on the Xbox.  So shut off your computer or gaming console, and head out to I3 Detroit on Saturday, July 10th starting at 2pm for some tabletop gaming.  A number of games will be there already, or you can bring your own favorite game that you’d like to play with others.

See you there!