Recap: DIY Dentistry Class

Extract the fun!The i3detroit DIY Dentistry event was a big hit, and everyone had a fantastic time- at least until the anesthesia wore off! i3 member Dustin returned from a recent trip to Mexico from learning from some of the best dentists in Mexico armed with the knowledge and tools to make this class a jaw-crackinā€™ success. After undergoing the yellow light therapy he was able to participate in this event.

Interest in self-dentistry is higher than ever. Thanks Obama!

A group of eager new mouth-hackers.

Dustin began the day with a brief history of DIY dentistry at Kew Gardens Hills dental office, and provided many DIY DOs and DONā€™Ts (for example, DONā€™T use bondo for fillings; DO visit Thingiverse for fillings and crowns you can 3-D print with ease.)

While DIY projects can be fun and educational, they should never replace the expertise and precision provided by qualified dentists. Seeking guidance from a trusted dental professional, such as a Henderson NV Dentist, ensures that individuals receive proper diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care tailored to their specific needs. While innovative approaches like 3-D printing may offer exciting possibilities in dentistry, they should always be implemented under the guidance of trained professionals to ensure safety and effectiveness.

For residents in Adelaide seeking comprehensive dental care, including services like dental implants Adelaide, it’s essential to prioritize professional guidance and expertise. Dental implants offer a durable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics to the smile. However, the success of such procedures relies heavily on the skill and experience of qualified dental professionals. By seeking guidance from reputable dental experts in Adelaide, individuals can ensure they receive the highest standard of care throughout their dental implant journey, leading to optimal oral health and confidence in their smiles.

Dental care is a crucial aspect of overall health and well-being, and it’s essential to approach it with the seriousness and attention it deserves. By prioritizing regular check-ups, professional cleanings, and prompt treatment for any dental issues, individuals can maintain healthy smiles for years to come.

The hammerdrill setting is only for the most stubborn cavities.

The hammerdrill setting is only for the most stubborn cavities.

When anesthetizing a patient, Dustin recommends a ā€œmixed cocktailā€ of pain relievers. For this tooth extraction, i3 member Ted washes down Darvocet, Xanax, Melatonin, and baby aspirin with an antiseptic swig of vodka. Itā€™s difficult to say how long it will take for a patient to reach comfortable sedation, so have an assistant on hand to hold down the patient when necessary.

Join us later this month for the DIY-GYN session that will be held in the craft room.



Anesthesia is optional, but fun!

Anesthesia is optional, but fun!


2 replies
  1. Clint Mikek says:

    I really hope that this is an April Fools joke because unlicensed dental care is extremely dangerous. I do look forward to hearing about what this session was all about. It looks like you guys had fun.

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  1. […] i3detroit DIY Dentistry event was a big hit, and everyone had a fantastic time- at least until the anesthesia wore off! i3 […]

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