Dale Dougherty Founder of Make Magazine
Everyone’s favorite magazine is coming to town to discuss the possibility of having a Maker Faire Detroit in Michigan. One cannot fathom the awesomeness that would come from hosting this event.
In between his super secret meetings around the state, none other than Dale Dougherty, founder of Make Magazine, will visit i3 Detroit on November 7th, 2009 at 11 am – 1 pm. He is the Minister of Make…the Gentleman of Geekdom…the Duke of D.I.Y. and the exploits of i3 Detroit have made it cross country to his palace of periodicals.
Everyone is welcome to join us in the i3 Detroit workspace to discuss the possibility of a Maker Faire Detroit. What you would like to see at the event? What talents can you share? These are some of the questions that will be asked. We want feedback and insight from everyone. This is Detroit’s event.
For the regulars, you will have a chance to meet one of the major players (if not the major player) in the Make Movement. For the newbies, you get the added bonus of touring the i3 Detroit workspace, checking out member projects and getting information on becoming a member yourself.
For any questions, contact Nick – nbritsky@i3detroit.com – 248.709.3822