Red Bull Creation Challenge: Live Blog

11:00a Theme Announcement – Energy In Motion: Must move a person & not use fossil fuels

11:28a Weigh-in Of i3 Detroit Gear: We were approved to bring in 200lbs of equipment.  They are confirming if we didn’t go over our limit.

11:33a Successful weigh-in

12:02p Pictures posted from on-location (Update moved to i3 Detroit Flickr Stream)

12:54p Ustream Live of War Room in Ferndale, MI (update! – moved to i3 Detroit feed)

1:55p Two Videos from NYC posted on the i3 Detroit Youtube Channel – Video 1 Video 2

2:28p Selection from Junk Pile: 2 Rowing Machines and Mongoose Scooter.  (functioning) and some assorted goodies.

2:29p Picking up supplies around the city.  The team has split up.

2:47p Photos moved to i3 Detroit Flickr Stream and new ones added

3:39p Team is still gathering parts.  Stops for electrical parts, Home Depot and Metal

4:32p NYC team is reporting a rain delay.  Details pending… (update: False alarm)

6:00p 7 hours down.  Waiting on the next report from the NYC team.  Here is a look at their living conditions.

6:24p Pictures & a very short video from Rocco who is in NYC

Red Bull Creation Challenge Begins!

It’s a great day to be an i3 Detroit member.  It is day one of the Red Bull Creation Challenge our NYC team just received their challenge and the theme is “Energy in Motion”.  It has to move and it must move a person of jockey weight. But, it cannot be fossil fuels.

The team is currently awaiting their turn to pick from the junk pile.  We are 9 out of 16.

We have set-up a support system via i3 Detroit in Ferndale, MI (War Room) as well as supporting the team via IRC, phone bridge and web cams.

How can you help?

  1. Come help out at the shop at the War Room.  We are brainstorming, hunting down part locations and posting on the blog
  2. Join the IRC and add your ideas
  3. Email your ideas to and we can share with the group.

We will be posting throughout the day so please keep coming back for more updates.

RBC War Room Team.

Celebrate Summer: Quick & Dirty Mosaic Class

On Saturday, July 9 from 1-4 PM, we’ll be having a quick and dirty mosaic class, featuring flowerpots and stepping stones.  Mosaic is much easier than it looks, and makes classy and durable decorative items.  You will learn the mechanics of setting tile using thin-set mortar, and get some artistic guidance to create your own designs in the future!  And you’ll have a jazzed-up flowerpot or stepping stone to keep.  Class is from 1-4 in the afternoon, and project materials will cost $15.  Please reserve your space here, via EventBrite by Tuesday, July 5.

If you’re not a gardening sort, you can bring your own surface to mosaic instead.  (Materials cost in this case would be $10/sqft of tile + $5 incidentals.)  We recommend something stiff and warp-resistant like MDF.  Tabletops, trays, Ikea Lack tables, often work as long as mortar or Weld-bond will stick to them.  Please let us know ahead of time if you’re bringing something larger than a square foot in surface area so that we are sure to have enough tile on hand for everybody.  You are also welcome to bring your own tile, bottlecaps, glass garden pebbles, broken china, or whatever accent pieces you’d like to use.

Class will be taught by Ashley, the member who created the koi table at left!  She’s working on two companion pieces: one with a turtle, the other with dragonflies!

i3 Detroit in the Media – TONIGHT (WXYZ @ 7p)

i3 Detroit has had a nice PR windfall over the past  month.  The next few weeks we are starting to get some big mainstream coverage as well.

It starts tonight (6/29) with a piece on the Chronotune on WXYZ at 7pm (check your local listings for channel).  I got to preview the piece with Stephen Clark and it looks way too professional for something about i3 Detroit :).

On Tuesday (7/5) we will get to revisit the Craig Fahle Show with a piece on encouraging kids to be more interested in Science and Technology.

Stay tuned as in the next few weeks we may have a second piece on WXYZ that is focused on i3 Detroit as an organization and a tour of our space.

In case you missed it, we were on Make: Live a few weeks back and even through our network crashed, it was still a great time.

Also, have you checked out the Toad Elevating Moment podcast?  It broadcasts live every week from i3 Detroit on Wednesday nights at 9pm.

Motor City Haunt Club Meeting & Demo – 7/16

The Motor City Haunt Club will be hosting their monthly meeting at i3 Detroit on 7/16 at 12p to 3p.  The event will feature a demo of Monster Mud a great medium for making props for theater, Halloween and of course haunted houses.  The event is free and open to the public.  Come learn more about i3 Detroit as well as Motor City Haunt Club.

Motor City Haunt Club is the premier organization for professional and amateur haunters in Southeast Michigan.  The group meets monthly to share tips and tricks of the trade and membership is only $5 a year.  The group even goes on Haunted field trips.