Game Night

Thursday will be our twice-monthly board game/card game event, open to the public. The turnout last time was great! Once again, pizza will be provided. Let me know if there’s anything specific you want to play. Available games will include Carcassonne, Cards Against HumanityDominion, San Juan, Pandemic, World War 5Rattus, the Emergo I made with our vinyl plotter, and many more. If you can’t make it, we hope to see you on the first Thursday of the month!

P.S. Speaking of Thursdays: microcontroller fans, don’t forget the Arduino meetup next Thursday.

Announcing i3 Detroit’s Arduino meetup, second Thursday of each month.

With a combination of affordable hardware and easy-to-use software, the Arduino microcontroller development platform has made a big, big splash in the hobbyist market. But what’s better than having oodles of example projects and online resources to teach yourself from?

Why, a local user group, of course! (Bonus points if it’s a group that meets in an electronics lab chock-full of components, test equipment, and benchtop gear. Hint, hint.) You can find Arduino users here any day of the week, but a focused time might be better…

So, let’s kick this off. On the second Thursday of December, starting around 7pm, just get here! Ring the doorbell, sign in, and make your way to the electronics lab. Non-members are welcome, of course, and there’s no cover charge or anything like that. Bring a project to work on!

(CC-licensed photo by Must Be Art on Flickr)

Android meetup, Tuesday 11/22, 7pm

Got Android?

The fourth Tuesday of the month is i3 Detroit’s monthly Android meetup, and you’re invited! Member or guest, expert or noob, all are welcome to hang out, swap tips, and watch SWiT break his Epic 4G while attempting to replace the glass. (Kidding!)

Actually, SWiT’s planning to broadcast that procedure via a G+ hangout, and this post will be updated with the details when that goes live. Other hackery is sure to ensue…

(CC-BY-NC image by Jake Devincenzi, courtesy of iFixit)

Visit your local hackerspace. Hello, Kalamazoo!

Are you reading this post from the Detroit metro area? Then come to i3 Detroit this evening for Open Shop Friday! Guests welcome, bring a project to hack on, bring a friend or two, you know the drill…

But if you’re in Kalamazoo, or know any hackers/makers who are, you might want to get involved in Xipherspace. There isn’t a hackerspace/makerspace in every town quite yet, but new ones seem to be popping up quite often! The most surprising part? They cited us as an inspiration, and let me tell you, that’s an amazing bit of flattery.

If you’re in another area, leave a comment on this post! I’m curious how far-flung our blog readership is, and even more curious what your experiences have been when visiting other spaces around the state, country, or world.

Open Shop Friday

Calling all non-members!

If you’ve never been to the space before, Open Shop Friday is the best time to do it. Come get a tour, work on a project, or just hang out. What are you waiting for?

Doors will be open by 7pm, likely earlier. Bring a friend…

(In the photo: One side of the electronics lab. The components inventory occupies the other wall. Beginners and experts alike will find the resources they need, right here.)