WinterLAN Social TONIGHT!

The i3Detroit WinterLAN Social event is upon us! Have you reserved your seats yet?  If so, a few final preparations:

  1. Bring snacks. We have a fridge full of pop, but munchies are up to you. Bringing your own drinks is great, too.
  2. LAN gamers: Are you patch-current? We should be pummeling the uplink with Steam traffic, not Windows Update.
  3. Tabletop gamers: We have a shelf of games, but you’re most welcome to bring anything you want to play.

That should do it! Shindig starts at 7 and runs all night.

(CC-licensed photo from WoofBC on Flickr.)

Unusual Musical Instrument Jam Session, Jan 8th

Calling all noisy-thing builders! i3Detroit will be hosting our (first?) gathering of weird musical instruments and the folks who love them. It happens at 8pm on Friday January 8th, and you’re invited.

So far, we’re expecting a couple different flutes, a marimba, and a theremin. “Normal” musical instruments are welcome too. There’s a good chance we’ll break out some recording gear and try to make a track by the end of the night. What are you waiting for? Go reserve your spot!

(CC-licensed image from p_kirn on Flickr)

Basic car maintenance, this afternoon

Tire Abuse

Tire Abuse

I could swear I scheduled this thing for 3pm or something, but there it is, on Eventbrite for 1:00. If I told you it was later, that’s fine, we’ll be here all afternoon, so swing by whenever’s convenient!

Briefly: We’ll be poking and patching holes in tires. We’ll be changing tires. We’ll be practicing jump-starting, and reading “check engine light” codes. And you’re encouraged to come get your hands dirty! Non-members are welcome at this and every class, so RSVP or, frankly, just drop in. (I’m looking at reservations now, we’re 12 hours out and it’s not booked up…)

Basic car maintenance, let’s do it again!

Sharon drills a hole in our practice tire

Sharon drills a hole in our practice tire

By popular demand, today’s basic car maintenance class will be repeated next Saturday! Read the full blurb and reserve your seats now.
As with all hands-on classes, space is pretty limited. If this one books up, we’ll add more dates, so pass the word!

Demystifying Basic Electronics, Wednesday evening

Who wants more newbie classes? WE want more newbie classes!

This one’s for anyone (member or not) who’s not sure where to start when wires are involved. Starting from scratch, we’ll talk about why and where electrical current flows, and then dive right into some hands-on experiments.

We’ll play with batteries and resistors, learn the basics of Ohm’s law, light some LEDs, and time permitting, probably play with some transistors too. There may be soldering. There may be long division. There may be small explosions and smoke. (That’s what happens when you send way too much current through a component. Intentionally?)

What are you waiting for? Go reserve your seat!