Encore, encore! Another jam session, etc.

jam sessionDid you make it out to the first unusual musical instrument jam session? We had fun, we made noise, and we recorded a bit of video.

Chicago’s Pumping Station: One also held a similar event at the same time, and also had a blast. They liked it so much they’ve decided to make it a regular event.

What’s good for the goose is good for the [michi]gander, right? Let’s do it again! Second Friday of the month works out to February 12th. 7pm-ish?

Open Shop Friday, late start 9pm!

It sounds like most/all of the members who normally host Open Shop Fridays will be otherwise engaged this Friday around the usual time.Ā  (Details may come later.) But we should be back and have the door open by 9 or so, sound good?

As always, Open Shop is a time when non-members are explicitly invited to come hang out. If you have a project to work on, bring it along. We’re at 322 e. 4th st, Royal Oak 48067, at the end of an almost-hidden driveway.

Maker Faire Detroit community planning meeting Sunday

IndividualsĀ  and organizations interested in being involved in Maker Faire Detroit are invited to a community planning meeting, Sunday, January 24th at the Henry Ford in Dearborn. Meet at the clock tower entrance at 3:15!

Open Shop Friday, why not?

You know the drill.Ā  Public welcome!Ā  Bring a project to work on, or don’t. Bring snacks, or don’t. Bring a friend, definitely.

I’ll be here with the doors open by 7pm. Check the i3Detriot twitter feed to see if it’s open earlier, if you’re in the area earlier.

Robot build continues…

Mecanum wheel

As you may have gleaned from the calendar sidebar, there’s robot building underway at i3! We’re hosting two FIRST teams, 1216 from Oak Park and 3302 from Clawson. If you’re not familiar with the First Robotics Challenge or this year’s game, take a look!

To get a sense of the issues and questions that teams must tackle, check out the Chief Delphi forums, where students and mentors hang out.

That funny-looking wheel in the photo, by the way, is a Mecanum wheel. These are one way (Omniwheels are the other) of achieving a holonomic drive.