Water Rocket Meet-Up – 6/8 @ 7p

i3 Detroit is never one to back down from a challenge and one has been issued.  Our friends at Air Command Water Rockets released a series Four-Square-esque challenges for the art of building water rockets.  WE ARE IN.

To take on these challenges, we are going to explore a weekly meet-up for brainstorming and testing the challenges over the summer.

The first one will be this Wednesday at 7p.  It’s a bit short notice because we were also asked by a local magazine to write up a family friendly craft and we are going to do small water rockets for it.  Photos due ASAP.

Come join us for the fun and lets get some of those challenges marked off.  For other hackerspaces reading this, we would love to have some other challengers and make this really big for Air Command.

Full List of Challenges – http://www.aircommandrockets.com/10_Challenges.htm

Welding – Putting it together with power, June 11th

Coming soon to a welding table near you!
On Saturday June 11th noon – 4pm, we will be exploring once again the powers of welding metal together with current.

Due to limited equipment the workshop will only have a small bit of one-on-one.  There will be plenty of time afterwards to practice your skills.

Knowledge on torches, arc and stick will be covered, possibly some demonstration of our new TIG.

Class Safety
Welders should wear work or shop clothes without openings or gaps, to prevent arc light from reaching the skin.  In fact, those even working close to arc welding should also wear protective clothing.  Clothing should always be kept dry, including gloves.  The clothing should also be 100% cotton.  Some of the welding will produce strong IR/UV rays which will cause a nasty sunburn on unprotected skin.  You’ve been warned.

Reserve your seat
$10 Material fee

As with most of our events, seating is limited, so you must make reservations on Eventbrite if you plan to attend. Thank you!

Open Shop Friday: Waterworld Edition

Attention, first-time guests! If you’ve been looking for a good time to drop in and see the space, Open Shop is that time. Bring a project, bring an idea, bring a friend, but just get here — all are welcome.

Doors will be open by 7 for sure, probably earlier. Follow @i3detroit or call 248-556-9995 and press 1 to ring the spacephone to confirm, if you’re planning to arrive early.

Coming up: Android, Needlecraft, Lockpicking…

  • What: Needlecraft Meetup
  • When: Tuesday, 5/24, 7:00pm (Same time as Android, different area.)
  • Who: Open to the public, any skill level is welcome. Knit, crochet, and more.
  • What: Android User Group Meetup
  • When: Tuesday, 5/24, 7:00pm (Same time as needlecraft, different area.)
  • Who: Open to the public, any skill level. Users, developers, iPhone refugees, anyone with an interest in Android is welcome!
  • Bring: Phones, tablets, or toasters that run Android.
  • What: Locksport / Lockpicking class
  • When: Wednesday, 5/25, 7:00 doors, 7:30 class
  • Who: Novice locksport enthusiasts who preregistered.
  • Bring: Locks to pick, picks if you have ’em, $20 if you don’t.

May Android User Group Meetup

Tuesday, May 24th @ 7pm.

Anything Android! If you own an Android phone/device or even if you are only considering maybe buying an Android phone or tablet, join us! Discussion will range from, your favorite app, battery saving techniques, how to root, or anything anyone wants to share. We welcome all ranges of experience and knowledge.