Wood Shop Safety Class Saturday 10am

You probably should have paid attention in highschool shop class, but you didn’t. As a result, your fingers are at risk. In an effort to remedy this, resident expert Dave Alvarez is teaching a wood shop safety class. If you feel lost and confused in the wood shop, take this class. If you don’t feel lost and confused, you should probably attend anyways because you developed a few bad habits over the years. We said so.



Come one, Come all!

Satuday, November 19th, 10:00am


Open Shop Friday

Calling all non-members!

If you’ve never been to the space before, Open Shop Friday is the best time to do it. Come get a tour, work on a project, or just hang out. What are you waiting for?

Doors will be open by 7pm, likely earlier. Bring a friend…

(In the photo: One side of the electronics lab. The components inventory occupies the other wall. Beginners and experts alike will find the resources they need, right here.)

Tabletop gaming, first and third Thursdays, 7pm

Geeks? With games? Surely you can’t be serious.

I am serious. And tonight’s the first night for it, so let’s see what happens! Members and guests alike, are welcome to pull up a chair and giggle about sheep and wood. Sorry about the short notice, but now it’s on the calendar for next time…

Reminder: Halloween Party and Matt’s LED Display


Just a friendly reminder. Put all those little final touches on your costume and head out to our halloween party tonight! Matt has rigged up a personal interactive LED display for people to mess with. Send tweets to @MattsCostume tonight (7pm and later) to display your tweet on his sign. Pretty cool! Be sure to do a twitter search for @MattsCostume after the event to read all of the past hilarity that he had to walk around with. Dont be too wordy though, the sign is only capable of displaying 76 characters at once, so you’ll get cut off if you ramble too much! See the video below:




Open Shop Pumpkin Costume carving Friday 28th 7pm

Open shop Friday this week will be filled with pumpkins, sharp objects and last minute costume creations.

Come check out the space before the party this weekend and join in on the fun of decorating the space, carving/painting a pumpkin or coming up with that last piece for your costume!

I will have a few supplied pumpkins to carve but not many, so bring one along,   also we’ll save the seeds and have someone bake them up for the party!  So the more we do the more seeds we’ll have to nom on Ssaturday!!