Visit to Hack Pittsburgh

Found myself in Pittsburgh for a few business meetings and wanted to visit our friends to the East, Hack Pittsburgh

They have a very cool space with lots of style.  I am quite jealous of a number of their tools especially their TIG welder.  But I am most jealous of their ceiling cat. 

Thanks to Matt and and the team for hosting me and the delicious pizza.  The bristle bot challenge is still on and we are waiting for the day we race. 

Pictures from the shop:

i3Detroit v2.0 Updates

Amazing, amazing, amazing, that’s all we can say. We have 13 days left and we are 60% funded on Kickstarter. Thank you so much for your help. Your support is why we do what we do.  We are almost at our goal.  If you haven’t pledged to make i3Detroit v2.0 amazing yet, you still have time to do it.  So do it.  Right now.  Seriously.  I am talking to you!

Just wanted to share a picture set with you of our new facility.  It has been posted once, but just can’t help but show it off like a newborn baby.  We are working with the city of Ferndale and will hopefully have our C of O in the next couple of days. Then it is on to painting, building and moving.

We spent this past weekend boxing everything up at the old space. It was a bit sad and nostalgic. But like our insightful Director at Large, Nick Britsky said “i3 Detroit is in here” (while pointing to his heart). And, yeah, he is right.

Thanks again and enjoy the pics.

Boxes boxes boxes!

Boxes Boxes  boxes!  This Saturday i3 will be packing the space into many boxes, if you have boxes bring them.  We need boxes to prepare to relocate i3 Detroit in the upcoming weeks.

We will start taking down the decorations and equipment to pack everything into easy movable boxes.  Then, within the next couple weeks, transport to the new 8,000 sq/ft facility located in Ferndale.

The new facility will be a place where robots roam free. Grazing among the vast plains of creativity, co-existing in relative dimension and space, while engineers modify and perfect their power wheels racers.

If you don’t have any boxes, pledging to our kickstarter will help us cover our deposit and bring you the tools and community to your backyard.

Look out for a massive open house and party in May but feel free to stop by at anytime to see the progress and potential of this new space.

i3 Detroit V2.0

So we are getting closer and closer to moving into our new space in Ferndale and oh boy what a space it is. With 8000 Sq. Ft. of space and lots to look forward to we thought we would share some photos from this past weekend. All photos have been taken by our very own Brad McMahon.

Electronics class Sunday 2pm: Oscillators

This Sunday, there will be an electronics class meeting from 2:00 to 4:00.

Last week we covered a lot of theroy, and in the end build a single transistor driver for a piezo buzzer. We connected these to a function generator and made some audible beeps.

This week, we will be building an oscillator so we don’t need the function generator. We will talk about capacitors along the way, and go in to detail about how a nontrivial circuit works: the astable multivibrator. This is the same circuit we used to flash two LEDs a few weeks ago, but this time we will be making it oscillate at audio frequencies.

Anyone (member or not) is welcome to attend.