Call for Makers: Have you submitted?

Maker Faire Detroit is coming up fast, don’t wait for the last minute to submit your project! Even projects exhibited under i3Detroit’s umbrella need to apply separately, so the organizers know what to expect (and promote).

Please pass the word to everyone you know who might have something to share. The Call for Makers page has a good list of topics that might jog your memory of someone to approach. A project need not be revolutionary or polished to be at the Faire — remember, the point is that ordinary folks can and do make things!

Make: Music

It’s that time of the month again. The time where we bang, blow, and scratch on weird instruments, perfectly boring and normal instruments, and explore new sounds. Or we could just do a normal jam session. Its all up in the air at this moment.
Lets all just make some funky noises.  The non-musically-inclined are welcome too!  All you need is creativity.

The noise starts tonight (April 9) at 7PM, and continues into the night.

(Regrettably, we do not have the pictured instrument at this moment.)

April 25th: Anniversary Barbecue

Fire! Meat! Potato salad! It must be barbecue season, and we’re throwing one to celebrate our first anniversary. Everyone’s welcome — members, family, friends, total strangers! Mark your calendar now…

i3Detroit’s first meeting was held April 28th, 2009. We’ll be celebrating on April 25th, which is a Sunday. Shindig gets under way around noon, and runs until whenever. We’ll have grills, pop, and Nerf guns. Bring grillables, side dishes, and friends!

Hacking Metro Detroit

We would like to send out a Thanks to Michelle Martinez & Metromode for a nice article about hacking and hackerspaces. Michelle explains the social side of hackerspaces as well as the grander movement of spaces being built around the country.

There are some great inserts from many different individuals in the scene including i3 Detroit, Bilal Ghalib from All Hands Active, Eric Michaud from Pumping Station: One, Dale Dougherty from Make, Jeff Sturges and Bethany Shorb from the up and coming hackerspace in Detroit.

You can find a link to the the article here.

Kickstarter: Over the tipping point!

With three days yet to go, our Kickstarter fundraiser has crossed the $5000 mark, which means we WILL get the support you’ve all pledged so far, and those who’ve selected incentives with their contributions will get those, too! If you haven’t chipped in yet, now’s your chance to ante up and choose from stickers, buttons, T-shirts, and more…

This isn’t The Price Is Right, of course, and going over is the point! $5000 was an ambitious goal, and meeting it with plenty of time remaining just proves how strong our support is. Do you suppose we can double it in the next three days? 😉