Open Shop Night – Saturday 7pm

It’s time for another Open Shop Night at i3detroit! Bring in that project you’ve been meaning to finish or get inspired to start a new one. Maybe you’re working on something for Maker Faire Detroit and could use a little help? Finish that Arduino project for Mom? Just wanna hang out?
All great reasons to come visit!
The fun begins at 7pm Saturday, May 8, and lasts until question mark?

Hello, Penguicon! Up next: Maker Faire Detroit work days

First, a big thank-you to everyone involved in Penguicon! We had a great weekend because of you. Lots of people got their first taste of soldering, and I think experienced the magic of hackerspaces first-hand. Having a dedicated place for hackerspaces at the con is something I first saw at HOPE, and which Notacon has done particularly well. This year, Penguicon picked up on the idea, and the results were amazing.

I see hackerspaces and conferences as two sides of the same coin. Hackerspaces bring people together with hardware and tools to accomplish tasks, storage for projects and parts, and a regular meeting place for long-term endeavors. Cons bring a larger number of people together to share ideas, show off what they’ve done, and drink heavily. In both cases, the magic comes from interdisciplinary cross-pollination, as interesting people from different backgrounds collaborate.

It should be no surprise then, that we have high hopes for Maker Faire Detroit! A sort of mega-con focused on making physical things, Maker Faire promises attendance in the five figures, from all walks of life. And who do you suppose is going to provide the exhibits, the know-how, the enthusiasm to help all those attendees understand how and why they can make their own stuff?

That’s right, YOU.

If you’re reading this, you have above-average interest in technology, however you may define it. You might be a modeler that I talked to at the NAMES expo. You might be a geek we met at Penguicon. You might be a regular reader of this blog, follower of our Twitter, or just a visitor who wandered by. But regardless of your background, you’re the sort of person we need to run an exhibit at the Faire. To that end, we’d like to announce:

Maker Faire Detroit work days! i3Detroit is committed to helping local makers in whatever way possible. Come to the shop on Monday evenings or Saturday afternoons to work on your exhibit, work on your application, or help others do the same. There’s really not much more to it, so just show up and we’ll see what happens!

OMG, Penguicon! Open-source/sci-fi/DIY conference this weekend…

Penguicon has been sneaking up and is now right around the corner! This weekend, something like a thousand geeks of sundry stripes will filter into the Troy Marriott, to engage in a surfeit of geekly pursuits, including but not limited to:

  • Making ice cream with liquid nitrogen
  • Improv comedy
  • Robot building and competition
  • Sysadmin tools workshop
  • Webcomic and humor writing workshops
  • Screenprinting

You get the idea. Penguicon features appearances by various authors and web celebrities, a bevy of talks on topics too numerous to mention, workshops and DIY activities aplenty, and of course, some i3Detroit involvement.  The emergence of a hackerspace in metro Detroit has  earned us Hack of Honor status at the con this year, and members will be presenting on topics from Arduino arcade games, to flashlight building, to the infamous cupcake car.

The party gets started Friday afternoon and runs until sometime Sunday. Admission at the door is $50. Further details are at

Barbecue this Sunday, everyone’s invited — this means YOU.

It’s been a year since i3Detroit’s first meeting, and what better way to celebrate than by scorching some food?  This Sunday, april 25th, starting around 1pm, we’ll have a grill and a fridge full of pop. Probably other stuff, too, but bringing something to grill and something to pass is encouraged. 1481 Wordsworth, Ferndale.  Rain or shine…

Everyone is welcome at this and all i3Detroit events, so bring your friends!  Think of anyone who’s been looking for an excuse to check out the space. Think back to everyone you hit up for Kickstarter donations.  Think about the teacher, the tinkerer, the doer in your phonebook who’s not in ours.  This applies to anonymous shy people who read our blog and never come around, too.  Just get here, we don’t bite…(or do we?)

There’s so much stuff happening soon, from Pengiucon and Hamvention to Maker Faire Detroit and beyond, we’ll be doing a lot of planning and maybe even some working.  If you’re not involved with any of that stuff yet, this is the perfect time to learn more.

Hello from Notacon!

Year 7 of the Midwest’s premier art/tech conference is under way in Cleveland! Talks are under way, Blockparty (the longest-running North American demoparty) is really gonna happen, the ham radio repeater has been on the air since last night, the network is up (20Mbps uplink!), and the hotel is crawling with a who’s-who of hacker history, digital art, open source, bioengineering,  electronics…

It’s 10am on Friday, and I’m learning about an open-sourced library for graph visualization. Unlike GraphViz, this one runs in realtime, and is designed for analyzing network flows and malware propagation. Beats the hell out of working today!

If you’re not in at Notacon already, jump in the car and get here! There’s plenty going on all weekend…