Maker Faire Detroit Updates

We received an email last night from Dale at Make Magazine providing us with some updates regarding the upcoming Detroit Maker Faire.

1. The Deadline for applications for Maker Faire Detroit has been extended from May 31st 2010 to June 15th 2010.

2. They originally said they would have acceptance emails out by June 1st 2010, and unfortunately this has not happened due to the Maker Faire Bay Area just finishing. They said not to worry and they hope to start getting acceptance emails out next week.

3. They currently have 140 submissions and they are still looking for more. If you know anyone that has not but should be at Maker Faire Detroit please get them to submit an application!

4. On the Friday before Maker Faire Detroit they plan on having workshops in place of Education Day. More to come on this as we get closer.

So Please if you have not signed up yet as a Maker get over!

The LateHak Show with Hak5

The LateHak Show with Hak5 is finally here, and we just had to take advantage of the opportunity to shoot a mock intro.

Enjoy this special Hak5 with i3Detroit episode 715, followed by the mock intro.

Late start for tonight’s work party: 7:30

It’s 5:01 and I’m still at work, writing this.  Tonight’s Maker Faire work party will start late, and probably wrap up a bit early as I’ll need to be in bed early.  Nevertheless, drop on by the shop and let’s get some stuff done! 7:30ish, I hope! –Nate

Maker Faire Detroit deadline fast approaching! Also, Open Shop.

First, if you’ve got something to show off at Maker Faire Detroit, SUBMIT YOUR APP already! Time is tight, and we’d love to see you there. Need help finishing your project? See the end of this entry…

Second, the Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire will happen again this year, on June 5th. Last year’s show was our first big event, before we even got a space. We’ll be there again this year, of course, with more projects to show off!

Third, a few of our members are on their way to the Bay Area Maker Faire, in San Mateo, CA. There’s a good chance of twitter traffic about this. (Heh, heh.)

Fourth, I know this may come as a shock, but i3Detroit will have another Open Shop Friday, tonight! I promise to be on site with the door open by 7pm, but follow the feed to see if someone opens up earlier.  See you then!