Weekend update: Maker Faire is coming, Maker Faire is coming!

Been too busy for blog posting…

This weekend will be busy too, with Maker Faire prep pretty much dominating the schedule. On Sunday, the Michigan RepRap group will be meeting in our shop to do their Maker Faire planning.

Guests are welcome, of course. Check the Twitter feed to make sure we’re open, or just swing by.

Also, take a gander at some of last weekend’s fire-breathing absurdity.

i3Detroit gets Red Rolled!

Red Green visits i3 Detroit tomorrow.   Everyone is welcome to come at 11:00 AM to meet Red Green in person and his 16ft statue!

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s to come!

Never gonna Red you up,

Never gonna Red you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Red Rolled! from I3 Detroit on Vimeo.

Last day for Maker Faire Detroit advance ticket sales — save $6!

If you didn’t submit an exhibit for Maker Faire, you’ll have to pay to get in — but you can pay less, by doing it in advance. Today’s the last day for advance ticket sales, so if  like me you’re cheap and lazy, it’s time to embrace one virtue and nix the other vice.

At-the-door admission is $3 more for single-day passes, or $6 more for the two-day version. Imagine what you’ll do with all the money you save…

Mos I3 (hacker)spaceport

While I’m not aware of any scum and villainy last night (though the duct tape residue was a bit scummy) our space was certainly a hive of activity.

Mike and his band of budding directors were training hard in the back of our shop last night, experimenting with lighting, sound, and camera work.  Ed was busy taking strange noises to a science with his PVC pipe based feedback instrument, or as I prefer to call it, “A Series of Tubas”.  For the record, it sounds nothing like a tuba, but never let the facts get in the way of a bad pun I say!

Ted was hard at work being a model for today’s blog post image and when he wasn’t fixing his hair for his closeup, he was hard at work welding up some pretty massive improvements to our power wheels frame.

Finally, the Red Green statue is in the home stretch with all of the tartan panels complete and ready for mounting.  A big thanks to Dan and Seth for pitching in to make sure that got done tonight.  Meanwhile, while that was happening, Nick was hard at work turning Red’s head from a loosely connected bundle of sticks into a really cool looking final design for the statue.  I won’t spoil how it looks for our readers, you’ll just have to show up Saturday to see the finished product!  Drop by the space around 11AM to meet the man himself, or if you want to sleep in a few hours, he and his oversized duct-tape doppelganger will make an appearance at the Ace Hardware in Clarkston at 2PM.

Lets put some clothes on Red

On this bright Sunday morning we will knock out stage two of the “Lets put some clothes on our GIANT Red Green monument”.
So far pants, shoes, undies, and a belt have been dressed on our GIANT.

Starting early at 9am members leading the build will be at the space to help with the dressing of the Red Green Giant.  Using seven foot sheets of Tyvek, duct tape will be layered to make up the tartan pattern that is seen on the common flannel shirt Red is seen wearing.

So if you’re just waking up checking your RSS feeds, head on over to the space and lend a hand.   We’ll be here most of the day.