i3 Detroit Girrrls Get Together – 8/8/2010 at 3PM

The girrrls of i3 Detroit are at it again!  Tomorrow at the space, they will be getting together to hang out, make cool stuff, and teach one another new skills.  We have even heard rumblings of an all female project for the 2011 Maker Faire in Detroit possibly in the works.  Awesome!  Dennay will be showing some basic knitting techniques.  Jaime will be showing off the various uses of the Cricut.  And others have been talking about an 8-bit Mario Blanket.  This is not a class and no registration or RSVP is needed.  Just a laid-back day to come share imagination, innovation and inspiration with our fun gals.

Have you been meaning to meet the girls of i3?  Now is your opportunity.

Have you been wondering what this i3 Detroit thing is all about?  Tomorrow is the perfect opportunity to come and meet some of our awesome female members and learn about the space from their point of view.

Ready to come make something, you maker gal?  Hands and minds are available for assistance!

This event is open to the public and anyone interested in learning more about i3 Detroit is encouraged to come by (girl or guy!)

Fun and Games at Maker Faire

They say there’s no rest for the wicked, and given the never ending stream of visitors at our Maker Faire tent over the weekend, we must have been very bad lately. Our popularity was only eclipsed by our success; garnering an amazing 8 editor’s choice ribbons among our projects, as well as multiple interviews with Leo Laporte on his livestream from the event. Keep reading below the break for details on individual projects.

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Announcing the Maker Mixer, September 4th

Detroit’s first Maker Faire was a smashing success by all accounts, bringing together hundreds of exhibiting makers, scores of awesome creations, and tens of thousands of onlookers and makers-to-be.   It was educational, entertaining, and most of all, busy.

So busy, in fact, that many makers spent the whole weekend in their booths, with little opportunity to meet each other.  And while the spectacle was great for short-term attention, the synergy is where long-term gains stand to be made. To that end, i3Detroit will host an event we’re calling the Maker Mixer. On September 4th, anyone who’s interested in DIY (and especially anyone who exhibited at Maker Faire) is encouraged to come down to Ferndale and spend the afternoon at i3Detroit’s shop.

Some food and drink will be provided, BYO is always welcome. Details to follow as the event approaches.

Set Cannon For Delicious!

i3 was a hopping place Tuesday evening with a great many projects playing a game of beat the clock to be ready for Maker Faire this weekend. The Twinkie car got much of the backing for its body completed, making way for us to attach its spongy and delicious shell. Most real size Twinkies have a hidden treasure of deliciousness inside, and our king size version will be no different, sporting a Twinkie cannon to share sugary munition with anyone in firing range!  Check out our video of it in action, and remember kids, don’t try this at home.  Try it at Maker Faire instead!

Ed’s feedback instrument is making good progress, though he’s still got a few spots he’s trying to work out in time for the show. We’re still attempting to figure out how he’s getting a square wave from a round hole so to speak, but I’m confident he’ll have it worked out before Maker Faire.  Let’s just hope he has time to install his volume knob as that bad boy is LOUD right now.

Matt was busy improving the bellows on our beer growler organ, Red Green’s favorite project other than himself, to try to improve the durability of the bellows. The plastic and glue that holds them together is not likely to survive heavy abuse at Maker Faire, so he added limiters to prevent overzealous musicians from pushing them too far. While his rendition of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on them was lovely, the next job is to figure out some more contemporary music by showtime. If we’re lucky he won’t choose Rick Astley.

The Power Wheels car is coming along nicely with a whole team working under Ted’s watchful eye: grinding, sawing, welding, and drilling with a generous side of goofing around. A few slipped band saw blades later coupled with several hours of effort and our steering overhaul is almost complete. With the motor mounted, rear axle set and spinning, and spiffy paint job, this project is really coming into focus. If you see Ted, be sure to congratulate him on his good work, but don’t shake his hand right now; he forgot that angle grinders make metal hot. OUCH!

Finally, a reminder for everyone: this weekend is Maker Faire at The Henry Ford Museum where i3 and hundreds of other exhibitors will be bringing all the cool gadgets, gizmos, toys, crafts, sculptures, and other creations big and small for your amusement. Great fun will be had by all and tickets are still available at the door. In addition, Saturday evening will be the i3 Detroit party and anyone over 21 is welcome to enjoy the festivities!

Maker Faire Hours:
Saturday, July 31 9:30AM-8PM
Sunday, August 1 9:30AM-5PM

Offical Maker Faire After Party!

Well here we are finally! The weekend we have all been working towards for weeks and months. i3 Detroit is proud to announce that we are holding the official after party for Maker Faire Detroit 2010. We have a lot of friends in town from other hackerspaces across Canada and the US so what better way to celebrate Maker Faire and all of us being in Detroit together than to throw a party. We would like to invite you and all of your friends to come out to i3 Detroit this Saturday July 31st 2010 to i3 Detroit for drinks, snacks, live DJ and great company.

Make sure you come prepared for great conversation and people!

Where: i3 Detroit – 1481 Wordsworth Ferndale, MI 48220

When: Saturday, July 31st 10PM-3AM

Free|21+|Live DJ| Great Company