Open Shop Friday: The Return Of Open Shop Friday

It’s been a little while since we had an official open shop, so let’s fix that! The basics:

  • Members are welcome
  • Non-members are welcome (flag down a member when you arrive!)
  • This is a great time to learn about membership
  • Bring a project to work on, if you feel like it
  • Doors should be open by 5-ish
  • Upcoming events: Sharpening, antenna workshop, head-casting.

    CC-licensed photo of biquad antenna, by Albir.

    Hello, Ferndale DIY Street Fair goers! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s coming up at i3Detroit:

    Every Monday: Microcontrollers! This birds-of-a-feather hangout session is for anyone who uses, or is interested in, microcontrollers. Be it AVR or PIC or 8051, we don’t discriminate. Bring projects! Bring questions! Newbies and gurus, members and guests alike are welcome, just drop in. Doors should be open by 6.

    Tuesday Sep 21: Meeting and Board elections. ALL MEMBERS should attend, as this is a rather important vote! Meetings are open and non-members are welcome.

    Tuesday Sep. 28: Hands-on blade sharpening workshop. Seats are going fast, RSVP ASAP! Members and guests welcome, starts at 6.

    Thursday Sep. 30: Hands-on wifi antenna build. Improve your AP’s signal with a handmade biquad antenna. You MUST RSVP by the 22nd to get in on the group parts buy! Members and guests welcome, starts at 6. If you just want to watch and learn but not take home an antenna, there’s no need to reserve a spot.

    Saturday Oct. 2: Head casting! Learn to cast body parts for propmaking. Poke your head into i3detroit-public and pipe up if you want to get in on the materials order, also being finalized this week. Spectators also welcome! The going gets messy around 2pm…

    Ferndale DIY Street Fair – 9/18 & 9/19

    It’s hard to believe that just last year we were driving around the cupcake car at the DIY Street Fair and trying to get people to be interested in i3 Detroit.  Forward 365 days and we are being invited to the event to host a kids Make n’ Take.

    Why not take a commercial product that kids are currently obsessed with and show them how to make them.  At the fair, we will be attempting to make silly bandz out of silicone, foam molds and some coloring.  In theory the process will work, but we only tested it last night.  🙂   The bonus is it’s free for the kids to try.

    Come check out the event Sat – Sun (9/18 – 9/19) from 12 – 6.  There will be art, bands and food.  i3 Detroit will be located in the kids section and will also have the twinkie car and maybe some other surprises.

    Hope to see you there. TONIGHT 7pm

    Technology can help solve lots of problems, including those in the developing world. Lots of people are working towards just that end, and one group would like us to be involved. Come to the shop tonight at 7 to find out how!

    Note: There are currently two groups calling themselves Geeks Without Borders.  One has been around since 2002 and resides at The other one is newly formed and has My previous post incorrectly identified as the group speaking to us tonight. Actually, its Confused yet?

    Upcoming events: Needlecraft, Blade workshop, and more!

    Two knives and a sharpening stoneLooked at the calendar lately? Buncha stuff coming up! Members and guests alike are welcome at all of the following:

    September 14th: Needlecraft Gathering. 6pm. Whether it’s stitched, knit, or injected (just kidding!), needles and textiles are the focus of this crafters’ night. Other shop activities will be under way as well, of course…

    September 16th: Geeks without Borders. 7pm. A representative of this nonprofit will be speaking on ways we can be more involved in our communities.

    September 28: Keep it Sharp! 6pm. A hands-on blade maintenance workshop, bring any non-serrated blade, from a pocketknife to a machete. Learn how to sharpen and hone a blade, how to care for knives, and more. This is likely to be a popular class, so reserve your seat now.

    October 7: DIY Filmmaker Meetup. 7pm. Anyone involved or interested in film production is welcome! Show short clips of your work, participate in another talent exchange, or just hang out.  It’s been the better part of a year since the last one of these…