Woodworking & DIY Show – Ticket Giveaway

The promoters of the Woodworking & DIY Show were nice enough to give us two free tickets to the event this weekend (12/17 – 12/19). 

I thought the best way to distribute them was a good old fashioned giveaway.  Rules are simple.  Post a comment below and I will pick a random winner by Wednesday (12/15) @ 11a.  The tickets will be available for pick-up at i3 Detroit and are good any day of the event.

The event is pretty cool and I have to admit, I was not familiar with it.  It is the oldest traveling woodworking show in the US and takes place at the Taylor Gibraltar Trade Center.  The event has tons of demos, product displays and projects from local Detroit-area woodworkers.  Looks like there are some raffles and games as well. 

i3 Detroit will probably check it out this year and try to have a booth next year with our members projects.  More info at – Woodworking & DIY Show Website

Canton Public Library – 1st Hack Day – Recap

Back on 11/20, i3 Detroit ventured out to Canton Public Library to help with their first Hack Day.  The total count was 6 demo tables and 8 presentations.  For the first event, they had over 100 people show up, which is pretty good.  It wasn’t as large as originally thought, but everyone had a great time.

i3 Detroit showed off some projects including EL Wire clothing and a Cigar Box guitar.  Members in attendance were Matt, Ryan and Nate.

There are plans for more hack days in the future and we will let the i3 Detroit community know as soon as we hear.  We will do a better job of getting the word out on our end as well so everyone can partake.  If you attended the event, please leave a comment below.  We are curious on your thoughts.

Check out more pictures at the library’s flickr feed – http://www.flickr.com/photos/cantonpubliclibrary/sets/72157625556032442/

EL Wire Class – 12/10 @ 7pm

Do you know what EL Wire (Electroluminescent Wire) is?  If so, have you ever used it in a project?  If you answered no to any of these questions, you need to check out this class at i3 Detroit.

Matt Switlik will be teaching a class on how to use EL Wire in projects as well as walking everyone through a hands on demo of your very own light up hat.

The class will be taught on Friday December 10th, 2010 at 7pm.  There will be a material fee of $35 dollars for the hat kit which includes everything you need to make the hat.  If you would like to bring your own object to add EL Wire to the power supply will be $10 and the wire will be available in white (pictured on the left) and pink for $2 per foot.

Please RSVP with this link – http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1110943863

Get a head start on the class by watching these soldering EL Wire and Attaching EL Wire videos.  Also check out the excellent EL Wire write up by LadyAda.

Detroit Urban Craft Fair – Featuring i3 Detroit

i3 Detroit is again lucky to be involved with the Detroit Urban Craft Fair for their 5th anniversary.  The event is this weekend at the Filmore in Downtown Detroit starting at 10a on Saturday (12/4) and 11a on Sunday (12/5).

Besides the many vendors selling unique and cool crafts, you will find i3 Detroit doing 2 Make N’ Takes for the fair.

Matt is doing a soft electronics project.  He is taking cowboy hats and outlining them in EL wire for that necessary accessory for your holiday party.  This is a hands on build and we will help you every step of the way.

Amy is doing a Scrabble tile jewelry project.  She will be taking everyday Scrabble tiles and crafting them in to unique jewelry for gifts or yourself.  This is a hands on build as well where she will guide you through the process.

Both projects have small fee but you get to take home your homemade craft.

i3 Detroit is also working on a top secret project that will be unveiled at the show.  Come check it out.  I promise, it will be worth it.

All Hands Active (our hackerspace friends to the West) will also be there with a cool soldering Make N’ Take.

Link to Lish Dorset (one of the organizers) on Fox 2 explaining the show: http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/entertainment/holiday_guide/the-5th-annual-detroit-urban-craft-fair-20101202-mr

Congrats to New i3 Detroit Blogger – Brad

Congrats to the newest tcgeeks blogger, Brad.  He is a founding member of i3 Detroit and will be writing hack & tech related stories for the iPad for them starting with his first post this past weekend (11/28/2010).

He has a pretty awesome profile somewhere on the site but I couldn’t find it. 

Good luck and congrats!!

Link to Post: http://www.tcgeeks.com/ipad-jailbreak-4-2-1-redsnow/